미군반환 공여지 활용계획에 관한 연구 = A Study on Usage Plan for Returning Land of U.S. Troops Chartered Area in Paju City
Although Paju City has a great potential as a central city in the northern part of the Seoul metropolitan area, the included areas have been prevented from active developments, due to the special location which is close to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). More specifically, various conventional regulations by Capital Region Improvement Plan and Military Facility Protection Area, have led to great disadvantages in growth management of Paju City, in terms of imbalanced development between cities and stagnation of regional industrial development.<BR> Recently, due to a reconciliation mood between the South and the North, the U.S. administrative government is shifting the military strategy in Korea, loosening regulations in the existing Military Facility Protection Area. In line with this movement, Korean government begins to support development of the DMZ proximal areas, and many private construction companies are involved in development of this area. In Paju City, several parts of the U.S. military facilities will be completely withdrawn from the main city areas, as of 2005.<BR> Under this circumstance, this research is targeting establishment of the development strategies for sustainable development of Paju City, preventing from the leap-frog type of development in this unfilled area.<BR> This study sets up the 4-step process as follows:<BR> In the first step, to establish the usage plan of the scattered chartered areas, an induction-encouragement function is deducted, setting the phase of Paju City in the levels of nation, metropolitan area, and City, analyzing present development conditions, and suggesting future development conditions, from the macroscopic and long-term view.<BR> In the second step, the plans for development and practical use of returned chartered areas in foreign casesare reflected in this task throughout the literature review and bench marking. In addition, an induction-demanding function is deducted, through a survey of resident opinion.<BR> In the third step, an induction-possible function is deducted using the demand analyses of induction-encouragement function and induction-demanding function, and establish a practical plan to materialize the function for Paju City Comprehensive Plan.<BR> In the fourth step, an achievement plan is established combining the comprehensive plan of each returned area, and the plans for achievement priority, the main body, strategy, methods of revenue raising, are provided.<BR> Throughout the above process, several suggestions by six different camps are provided: administration-town for the Camp EDWARD, residential and commercial areas for the Camp GIANT, residential and cultural areas for the Camp GARRY OWEN and the Camp GREAVES, commercial and industrial sites for the Camp STANTON, and education and venture sites for the Camp HOWZE.<BR> The plan is suggested to be executed by the governmental body between 2007 and 2013. The Camp HOWZE will be developed according to demand, because this area is designated as a City Arrangement Site.<BR> Although this research provides a concrete plan, more specific guidelines by the sites must be provided by later. Moreover, to make each site to be functional center of the region, it is necessary to establish and manage the site plans. In case of establishing the comprehensive plan, transportation networks must be considered. Finally, since the plan for drill grounds is not included in this research, it should be also considered in the plan.
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