『논어(論語)』 ‘오십학역장(五十學易章)’ 해석(解釋)의 검토(檢討) ─특히 『정역(正易)』적 해석과 관련하여─ = Study on the Interpretation of ‘Ohsiphakyeokjang(五十學易章)’ in the Analects of Confucius - Based on the Approach of Book of Ultimate Changes(正易)
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본 논문은 『논어』 ‘五十學易章’에 대하여 역대 제가의 해석으로는 중국의 대표적 주석서와 다산 정약용의 해석을 살펴보고 다음으로 역대 제가의 주역적 해석과 학산 이정호 선생의『正易』적 해석을, 그리고 필자의 정역적 변석으로 나누어 개략적으로 고찰해 본 것이다.
『논어』에서 『역』과 관련된 장은 본 장이 유일하다. 공자는 이미 후천세계를 내다보고 선천 『주역』에 후천 『정역』의 내용을 비장한 것으로 생각된다. 역대 제가의 주석을 분석 검토 정리한 바탕 위에 ‘오십학역장’에 대한 필자의 견해를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
먼저 加我數年에서의 加를 假로 보아 ‘더한다’ 보다는 ‘빌린다’는 의미로 보았다. 다음으로 五十을 단순히 나이를 가리키는 숫자가 아닌 『정역』에서의 五(皇極)과 十(無極)을 의미한다고 보았으며, 學을 서술[述而不作] 연구한다는 의미로, 『역』은 『정역』이라고 추측하였다. 그리고 大過를 큰 허물이라기 보다는 『주역』의 大過卦로 보았다. 그러나 대과괘의 환난은 없을지언정 小過괘의 어려움은 있을 것으로 추측하였다.
‘오십학역장’에서 오십은 단순한 나이를 가리키는 숫자가 아니다. 이는 오황극과 십무극을 가리킨다. 一太極은 이미 ‘吾道一以貫之章’에서 ‘一’로 제시하였다. 공자는 『정역』八卦圖의 출현과 十數易(『정역』. 후천세계)의 도래를 예지하였다. 정역 팔괘도에서는 十乾五坤을 말하는바 건곤에 포함된 六子를 합해 천지인이 되었다. 다 알았고 보았는데 時는 되었으나 命이 따르지 않아 짐짓 오십이라는 나이 숫자를 빌려 자신의 뜻을 가탁한 것이라 생각된다.
This study roughly contemplates the line ‘Ohsiphakyeokjang (五十學易章)’ in Analects of Confucius with five references; 1) the interpretation by various Chinese schools of all time, 2) the interpretation by Dasan Jeong Yakyong, 3) the interpretation based on the philosophy of Book of Changes(周易) by various schools of all time, 4) the approach based on Book of Ultimate Changes(正易) by Haksan Lee Jeongho, 5) the interpretation by the author of this study.
In Analects of Confucius, this chapter is the only one referring to the changes. It seems that Confucius already predicted the concept of the posterior world and implied the contents of Book of Ultimate Changes in Book of Changes. Based on the researching into the annotations of possibly considerable schools, the followings are the summarized points of the author in this study.
First, in the phrase of ‘Gaasulnyeon(加我數年)’, the author regards the word ‘add(加)’ as the meaning of ‘borrow(假)’.
Second, the author regards that the word ‘fifty(五十)’ is not just the number of age but the indication of the five Hwanggeuk(皇極, the ultimate principles of nature) and the ten Mugeuk(無極, the ultimate principles of nature). And then, the word ‘study(學)’ is regarded as the meaning that studying is to learn the old but not to create(述而不作). Also, the word ‘change(易)’ is interpreted as Book of Ultimate Changes.
Third, the author regards the word ‘the significant fault(大過)’ as the major trigram of the past in Book of Changes. There might be the hardship of trivial faults despite the absence of troubles in the major trigram of the past.
In the line ‘Ohsiphakyeokjang(五十學易章)’, the word ‘fifty(五十)’ does not simply indicate the age. It suggests the five Hwanggeuk(皇極, the ultimate principles of nature) and the ten Mugeuk(無極, the ultimate principles of nature). A supreme ultimate(一太極) was already suggested as ‘one(一)’ in the line that “There is no other theories because whole principles of nature are penetrated by one.(吾道一以貫之章)” Confucius seems to have had foresight as to the appearance of the diagram of eight trigrams in Book of Ultimate Changes and the advent of the ten Suyeok(十數易, the term indicating the posterior world) In the diagram of eight trigrams, it refers to ten Geon(乾, the heaven) and five Gon(坤, the earth) so, adding six Zi(子) included in the heaven and the earth, the idea of Chunjiyin(天地人, the heaven, the earth and the human). It is considered as that even though seeing what has to be seen and understanding what has to be understood, it is the very time but there is no instruction from the nature so by bringing the age of fifty, he expressed indirectly his idea.
In addition, in the word ‘fifty(五十)’, the letter ‘five(五)’ indicates the earth and the letter ‘ten (十)’ indicates the heaven so the human being, represented by the word ‘one(一)’, seems already to be referred. That is, in the letters ‘five’ and ‘ten’, there is hidden the letter of ‘one’. Hence, it is possible to interpret the given line as the meaning that “If I could earn several years more and let myself say Book of Ultimate Changes,”
Otherwise, in the phrase ‘Ohsiphakyeokjang(五十學易章)’ the letter ‘five’ could be Hwanggeuk suggesting the human-oriented idea. Furthermore, the letter ‘five’ in ‘fifty’ could be translated into ‘oneself (吾)'- the same pronunciation with the letter ‘five’. If so, the given line is possibly interpreted as “If I make descriptions of Book of Ultimate Changes, as I myself, Sipsu which is human-oriented and also indicates five Hwanggeuk,”
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