錦江流域 3~5世紀 環頭刀 硏究 = A Study on the Swords with a Ring Pommel of the Third to Fifth Century in the Guem River Area
전주: 전북대학교 대학원, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 전북대학교 대학원 대학원: 고고문화인류학과 2008. 8
A Study on the Swords with a Ring Pommel of the Third to Fifth Century in the Guem River Area
x, 95 p: 그림; 26 cm.
This study attempted to analyze the evolution of the swords with a ring pommel which originated from Geum river valley by assessing the properties of these swords, their form and their manufacturing processes - in addition the subsequential impact it had upon the Baekje and Mahan area. Numbers of factors were attempted to be classified based on the swords with a ring pommel identified from Geum river valley and relative comparison of these factors were also attempted in order to have them analyzed in terms of their chronological differences and also to affirm systemicity about the swords with a ring pommel.
The attributes of the swords with a ring pommel focused in this study were the manufacturing processes, the pattern of guard, and (absence or presence) of ornament on the swords. There were six kinds of the manufacturing processes consisting of the way to make hilt and ring pommel portion. One of the methods to manufacture swords with a ring pommel, which seemed the earliest making style, was one body + one body (ⅠA) pattern that the portion of ring pommel, haft, and blade were made as whole body. ⅠA pattern has been mostly excavated at Jugu-Togwangmyo, Bungumyo, and Togwangmyo and it was close to the aspect of Mahan. Also, one body + connection (ⅠB) pattern, whose manufacturing processes had been retained during the longest period, has been mainly found at Bungumyo and Togwangmyo. After that, the manufacturing processes for hilt had been changed as the conversion to Baekje was gone on. Decorative swords with a ring pommel appeared while especially connection manufacturing process that separately make the portion of ring pommel and blade and connect was started. By the appearance of the decorative swords, there was remarkable feature that many kinds of products for authority such as Chinese potteries, gilt bronze hats, gilt bronze shoes, and so on were discovered with the swords at the same place. The regional aspects were shown differently at this change of manufacturing processes of the swords, and by assessing it the attribute was able to be deduced the dynamical relationship between Mahan and Baekje.
The change of the pattern of guard as well as manufacturing process of the swords
reflects the temporal attribute. The pattern of guard with manufacturing process of the swords generally changed as ⅠA + non-guardㆍone-guard → ⅠB+one-guard→ ⅡB+two-guard.
Through this aspect of the sword with round pommel, the attributes of them are found out to have the temporal attribute and various regional aspects. Therefore, based on these analyses about the sword with round pommel, this study attempt to classify them according to the characteristic features and the aspect of the change of swords with round pommel. Based on historical facts as well as the aspect of the change of swords with round pommel, the sword with round pommel are classified as stage Ⅰ( 2nd centruy ~ middle 3rd century A.D), stageⅡ( middle and late 3rd century ~ middle 4th century), stageⅢ(middle and late 4th century ~ early 5th century), and stageⅣ( middle and late 5th century ~ 6th century) and subdivides regions, where the sword with round pommel are researched, as the upper basin, the middle basin, the lower basin of the Geum river, and the west coast of the Jeonbuk district to examine regional aspects.
The swords with round pommel appeared in stageⅠ are generally typeⅠ with non-guard or one-guard, and does not have ornaments on the swords. The swords with round pommel in stageⅠ are normally excavated at the mound with ditch burial, mound burial and pit grave in the middle and the lower basin of the Geum river and the west coast of the Jeonbuk district. Through this aspect, stageⅠ was the time Baekje was developing into a concrete state and the groups in Mahan area seem to maintain each group's power according to each region in the Pan-Mahan area.
Generally, in StageⅡ, type A and typeⅠB were found and one-guard was mostly appeared in the case of the pattern of guard. The regional aspects are differently shown and, especially, in the middle basin of the Geum river, there were little distinctions of regional aspect according to sub-regions.
In view of these aspects, stageⅡ is the time Baekje advanced south and conquered groups of Mahan, which were near to, and various regional aspects appeared. It is roughly to estimate that stageⅡ is dated between middle and late 3rd century and middle 4th century A.D.
The manufacturing process of the sword with round pommel changed from one body pattern to connection pattern and, in the case of the pattern of guard, two-guard widely prevailed with typeⅡB in stageⅢ which Baekje progressed. In this stage, the change of burial types differently appeared according to each regions as well as the sword with round pommel and this aspect was shown in complex. In view of this aspect, stageⅢ might be interpreted that Mahan was being absorbing into Baekje and dated between late 3th century and early 5th century A.D.
In stageⅣ, the quantity of excavated swords with round pommel remarkably decreased and swords were changed from swords with round pommel to the sward which were practical. The site where the sword with round pommel are excavated, is generally located in south of the Geum river. They were usually discovered as the two-guard with typeⅡB and attached Guemgu such as decoration under the ring pommel, decoration on the guard, decoration scabbard and so on. StageⅣ dated between middle and late 5th century A.D was the time the capital of Baekje was transferred to Woongjin and most groups of Mahan had been absorbed into Baekje. The burial type which swords with round pommel were excavated in StageⅣ were mostly the tombs made from stones, and this aspect shows that the reorganization of local powers was perfectly completed.
This study attempted to analyze the progress of the transition of Mahan and Baekje by excavated iron articles, especially the sword with round pommel. This study, however, could be judged that there is a jump to analyze the mutual relation between Mahan and Baekje according to limited data as the sword with round pommel. Because the study for the different artifacts which were excavated with the sword with round pommel was not researched, the military organization of Mahan and Baekje or the change aspect of different artifacts were not considered. Therefore, the study for the mutual relation between Mahan and Baekje will need to be concentrated by the comparative study with associated iron artifacts and the potteries which were excavated with the word with round pommel.
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