익살스런 귀여움(Whimsical Cuteness)이 소비자의 쾌락적 구매 의도에 미치는 영향: 죄책감의 조절 효과를 중심으로 = The Impact of Whimsical Cuteness on Consumer’s Hedonic Purchase Intentions: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Guilt
한승훈 ( Seung Hoon Han ) ; 임혜빈 ( Hye Bin Rim ) ; 이병관 ( Byung-kwan Lee ) 연구자관계분석
KCI 피인용횟수
귀여움에 대한 기업과 소비자의 관심이 증가함에 따라 귀여움의 유형과 특성, 그리고 귀여움이 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향을 심리학적 관점에서 규명할 필요성도 커지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 귀여움의 유형 중 하나인 익살스런 귀여움이 소비자의 쾌락적 구매 의도에 미치는 영향을 검증하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 총 3개의 실험을 진행하였다. 163 명의 참가자를 대상으로 진행한 연구 1a에서는 익살스런 귀여움 조건의 소비자가 통제 조건에 비해 쾌락적 속성이 우수한 제품의 구매 의도가 더 높음을 확인하였다. 169 명의 참가자를 대상으로 진행한 연구 1b에서는 통제 조건에 비해 익살스런 귀여움 조건의 소비자가 실용 목적 구매상황보다 쾌락 목적 구매상황에서 구매 의도가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 익살스런 귀여움과 쾌락적 구매 의도의 관계를 자기 보상 초점이 매개함을 발견하였다. 연구 2에서는 익살스런 귀여움과 쾌락적 구매 의도의 관계에서 죄책감의 조절효과를 확인하였다. 221 명의 참가자를 대상으로 진행한 연구 결과, 죄책감을 경험할 경우 익살스런 귀여움이 쾌락적 소비에 미치는 영향력이 유의미하게 감소하였다. 본 연구는 익살스런 귀여움이 쾌락적 구매 의도에 미치는 영향과 죄책감의 조절 효과를 확인하였다는 점에서 관련 연구자와 마케팅 실무자에게 중요한 함의를 제공할 것으로 기대한다.
더보기Drawing upon increasing interests in cuteness appeal in marketing area, there is a growing need to identify the type and characteristics of cuteness and its impacts on consumer behavior from a psychological perspective. Previous research suggested there are two types of cuteness. One type of cuteness is kinchenschema(baby schema) cuteness. It occurs after exposure to babies or baby animals which have baby characteristics. The other type of cuteness is whimsical cuteness. It occurs after exposure to imaginary characters or a pattern of circles. This research focused on the role of whimsical cuteness in consumers’hedonic purchase intentions.
In particular, three studies were conducted to examine the positive relations between whimsical cuteness and hedonic purchase intentions. Firstly, study 1a questioned whether whimsical cuteness would increase purchase intentions for products of which hedonic features were superior. Responses of 163 participants were collected from the Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). The 2-between subject design was implemented. That is ,participants were randomly assigned to be presented one of two gift cards: a whimsical cuteness card or a control card. And they chose a headset between two different one by using assigned card. One headset had superior hedonic features than utilitarian features. The other headset had superior utilitarian features than hedonic features. Results indicated that, compared to those in a control condition, consumers in whimsical cuteness condition showed stronger intentions to purchase a product with superior hedonic features. Secondly, study 1b investigated the effect of whimsical cuteness on consumers' hedonic purchase intentions further manipulating the goal of product purchase. 169 subjects participated in the study via the Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Participants were divided 4 groups (2 cuteness(whimsical cuteness condition, control condition) X 2 consumption goal (hedonic consumption goal condition, utilitarian consumption goal condition)). They were randomly assigned to see one of the gift cards: whimsical cuteness condition, control condition. They were also randomly assigned to see one of the consumption goal scenario: hedonic consumption goal condition, utilitarian consumption goal condition. And they chose a scale about purchase intentions of using restaurant. Using restaurant in hedonic consumption goal condition was for fun. But using restaurant in utilitarian consumption goal condition was for studying foreign culture. After that, they responded to questions about checking the selfrewarding focus and the card manipulation. Consistent with study 1a, it was confirmed that consumers experienced whimsical cuteness were more likely to purchase a product when a hedonic consumption goal was assumed rather than an utilitarian goal was served. In study 1b, the relationship between whimsical cuteness and hedonic purchase intentions was found to be mediated by the self-rewarding focus. Finally, study 2 was conducted to confirm whether guilt would mitigate the impact of whimsical cuteness on the consumers' hedonic purchase intentions. Data were collected from 221 participants via the Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Participants were divided 6 groups (3 cuteness(whimsical cuteness condition, kindchenschema(baby schema) cuteness condition, control condition) X 2 guilt(guilt condition, control condition)). They were randomly assigned to see one of the gift cards: whimsical cuteness condition, kindchenschema (baby schema) cuteness condition, control condition. They were also randomly assigned to recall one of the guilt experience: guilt condition, control condition. And they chose a headset between two different one by using assigned card. One headset had superior hedonic features than utilitarian features. The other headset had superior utilitarian features than hedonic features. After that, they responded to questions about checking the card manipulation. As expected, the moderating effect of guilt in the relationship between whimsical cuteness and hedonic purchase intentions was found. Specifically, experience of guilt significantly decreased the effect of whimsical cuteness on hedonic purchase intentions.
The findings from current research proposed both theoretical and practical implications. It had a theoretical implication in that it had expanded its cuteness to a new level. This was because the emotions caused by the two cuteness, kindchenschema(baby schema) cuteness and whimsical cuteness, were different. Kindchenshcema(baby schema) cuteness induced caring feelings. But whimsical cuteness created fun and increased consumers’ hedonic purchase intentions. In particular, the characteristics of the whimsical cuteness were embodied through product properties and purchase purpose. Also, it had a theoretical implication in that it had identified the effect of guilt as a moderating variable. It was necessary to study situations in which the effects of whimsical cuteness did not occur. Therefore, we had verified the role of essential emotion called guilt that was not directly related to the consumer. This study had practical implication for the production of products by enterprises. For example, for a product with a cute design, it would be advantageous to emphasize hedonic features than to emphasize utilitarian features. And enterprises will also need to consider the level of guilt an individual will experience in the product purchase phase. Limitations and Future possible studies were also discussed.
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
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