요통환자에 대한 임상적 고찰 : 한·양방 협진병원 내원 환자를 중심으로 = A Clinical Study on Lumbago
慶山大學校 保健福祉硏究所(Institute of Health and Welfare Kyung San University)
With 160 lumbago patients (85 inpatients and 75 outpatients) who received both Oriental and Western medical treatment from December, 1994 to April, 1995 at the acupuncture section and rehabilitation section of the H Hurb Hospital which is located in Seoul, a clinical study on the realities of lumbago was carried out.
Findings from such a study are as follows:
1. It appeared that regarding the distribution of sex, 80 lumbago patients(50%) were male while the same number of lumbago patients were female, thereby presenting a distributional rate of male and female, 1:1 ; regarding the distribution of age groups, from the age group which consists a large number of lumbago patients, they were the age group of 30s 44 lumbago patients(which is 27.5% of total lumbago patients), age group of 60s or more than that, age group of 50s, and age group of 20s ; regarding the distribution of job, from the group which consists a large number of lumbago patients, they were the group of housewives, group of the unemployed(or the aged), group of clerical workers, group of professional job, etc.
2. It appeared that the causes of the attack of lumbago are unknown etiology 56 lumbago patients(35.0%), heavy lifting 39 patients(24.4%), longtime standing 24 patients(15%), sprain 20 patients(12.5%), and accidents and contusion 11 patients(6.9%) in the order from the most case.
3. Regarding the relapse rate among the subjects, it appeared that 106 lumbago patients(66.2%) had more than relapse, and 54 patients(33.8%) were newpatients; and among the patients having more than relapse, the case of 3rd recurrence outnumbered the case of 2nd recurrence. Regarding the distribution other relapse rate according to age groups, it appeared that the most case was in the group of 60s and more than that with 28 patients(26.2%), then the next case in the group of 30s, then the case in the group of 20s, and then the case in the group of 50s. Regarding the distribution of the relapse rate according to job, it appeared that from the most case, there were 28 lumbago patients of housewives(28.0%), 27 patients(24.7%) of theunemployed(an aged population), and 19 patients(17.8%) of clerical workers.
4. Regarding the distribution of the causes of relapse, it appeared that the most case was due to unknown etiology with 43 patients(40.2%), then the next case due to heavy lifting, then due to longtime standing, then due to sprain, and then due to accidents and contusion. Regarding the distribution of the causes of relapse accoriding to age groups, it appeared that the most case was due to unknown etiology which was seen in all the age groups ; in the age group of 30s, due to heavy lifting, then due to longtime standing, and then due to sprain; and in the age group of 60s and more than that, due to heavy lifting, then due to longtime standing, and then due to contusion. Regarding the causes of relapse according to job, it appeared that the most case was due to unknown etiology or no special cause of attack ; in the group of the unemployed(an aged population), due to heavy lifting, and then due to longtime standing in the order from the most case ; in the group of service workers, due to heavy lifting, and then due to contusion ; and in the group of clerical workers, due to heavy lifting, then due to sprain, and then due to longtime standing in the order from the most case.
5. Regarding the results of the combined treatment of Oriental medicine and Western medicine, it appeared that 86 patients(53.8%) were in a superior state, 45 patients(28.1%) in a good, satisfactory state, 15 patients(9.4%) in the evenly improved state, 8 patients(5.1%) in a lightly improved state, and 6 patients(3.8%) in a poorly improved or inferior state, showing a valid rate of 96.2%.
6. Regarding the required period of medical treatment according to the case history of lumbago, it appeared that the acutest patients(82 patients : 51.3%) required 17.5days, the semi-acute(29 patients ; 18.1%) 20.9 days, the acute(10 patients ; 12.5%) 28.1 days, and the chronic(29 patients; 18.1%) 30.5 days(p=0.0874). Regarding the required period medical treatment according to the degree of the pain, 40 patients(25.2%) having an pain in a degree of an even ache required 18.2 days, 87 patients(54.6%) having a severe pain 22.6 days, 26 patients(16.4%) having a very severe pain 27.9 days, and 7 patients(4.6%) having a light pain 29.4 days(p=0.5857).
7. Regarding the period of medical treatment according to the diagnosed names of lumbago, it appeared that in Western medicine, 57 patients(35.7%) of Accute back pain required 10.1 days, 20 patients(12.4%) of Chronic back pain 24.3% days, 57 patients(37.0%) of HNP 26 days, 19 patients(11.9%) of degenerative spondylosis 26.5 days, 4 patients(2.5%) of Spondyolisthesis 33.3 days, 1 patients(0.6%) of Spinal stenosis 25.5 days(p=0.0108) ; in Oriental medicine, 29 patients(18.2%) of Shensu-zwasum lumbago 31.7% days, 46 patients(28.8%) of Shensu lumbago 25.7 days, 27 patients(16.9%) of Zwasum-yihyul lumbago 20.6 days, 55 patients(34.4%) of Zwasum lumbago 15.5 days, 2 patients(1.3%) of Yihyul lumbago 21 days, and 1 patients(0.6%) of Shi lumbago 2 days(p=0.2762).
8. Regarding the period of medical treatment according to the diagnosed names of lumbago in case of new patients and old patients(or relapsed patients), it appeared that new patients required a period of medical treatment of 18.4 days in general or average for curing lumbago while old patients required a period of 24.1 days in general or average ; this indicates that new patients were cured earlier than old patients. Regarding the period of medical treatment according to the diagnosed names of lumbago, it appeared in Oriental lumbago, when the diagnosed names was Zwasum lumbago and Yihyul lumbago, the required period of medical treatment was short ; in Western medicine, when the diagnosed name was Acute back pain, the required period of medical treatment was short ; in Western medicine, when Shensu lumbago and Shensu lumbago develop into Chronic back pain and HNP, medical treatment of them required more days ; regarding the period of medical treatment in case of new patients and old patients, new patients required a shorter period than old patients ; in particular, in case of Shensu lumbago in Oriental medicine and Chronic back pain in Western medicine, it was understandable that the required period of medical treatment necessitates more days.
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