Interleukin 4가 각질형성세포로부터의 Interleukin 6 생산에 미치는 영향 = Effects of Interleukin 4 on the Production of Interleukin 6 in Human KeratinocytesInterleukin 4가 각질형성세포로부터의 Interleukin 6 생산에 미치는 영향
조상현 ( Sang Hyun Cho ) ; 김진우 ( Jin Wou Kim ) ; 변광호 ( Kwang Ho Pyun ) ; 김정원 ( Chung Won Kim ) ; 허원 ( Won Houh )
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Background : The hum;n keratinocyte can synthesize interleukin 6 (IL-6) under certain concitions, and the IL-6 syntiesis is inhibited by interleukin 4 (IL-4) in the human monocyte. Objective : To find ou, what kind of stimulating agents can induce the IL-6 production and whether IL-4 affects the production of IL 6 in the human cultured keratinocytes. Methods : We stimulated the keratinocytes with either lipopolysaccharide (LPS), fetal bovine serum (FBS), human re ombinant interferon-r(IFN-r) to induce the IL-6 production, and treeted the keratinocytes, wh:ch stimulated either with 10% FBS or human recombinant IFN-r, with human recombinant IL-4. Results : The LPS stimulation resulted in no increase of IL-6 levels in the keratinocyie supernatants. When the keratinocytes were stimulated either with 1%, 5%, 10% FBS with or without 5 pg/ml LPS, s gnificantly increased amounts of IL 6 were detected. The level of IL 6 in the keratinocytes treated with the human recombinant IFN-r increased, too. The human recornbinant IL-4 downregulats the secretion of IL-6 by the keratinocytes which were activated eithr with 10% FBS or human recombinant, IFN-r. Conclusion : We have shown that it is possible to induce the IL-6 synthesis by stimulating the keratinocytes and that, human recombinant IL-4 profoundly inhibits the synthesis of IL-6. So we suggest, that there may be a cytokine network which regulates the pr imary immune response in the skin.
(Kor J Dermatol 1995;33(5): 847-854)
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