大韓帝國 農商工部 通信局 管船課 硏究 : 管船課의 組織과 人事를 中心으로 Especially organization and ship's levy officers of Maritime Section = Study on Maritime Section of Communication Division, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Department of the Imperial Korea
김재승 (한국해양대학교 국제대학 해운경영학부, (株)世東洋行)
우리 나라에 근대식 기선업이 도입된 이후 1899년 농상공부 통신국에 管船課가 설치되면서 근대식 해사행정엄무가 시행된 바가 있었다. 통신국 관선과는 조선의 기선과 범선 등 모든 선박을 조사하여 船籍을 편성하고 오늘날의 선박등록세와 같은 선세를 징수하기 위해 13개도 25개 처에 지방징수관인 선세위원을 임명하고 징세업무를 시행했다. 그러나 이제까지 우리 학계에서는 管舶課라는 이름만 알려졌지 그 실체가 규명된 바는 없었다. 이 근대식 해사행정 조직은 1900년 3월 23일 농상공부 통신국이 통신원으로 확대, 개편되어 다시 5년간 더 존속했으니 구한말 해사행정을 이해하기 위해서는 먼저 고찰해야 할 海事행정기관이 관선과이다.
본고에서는 우리 나라 최초의 근대식 해사행정기구인 관선과의 조직구성과 지방조직의 주체인 선세위원의 임명을 중심으로 고찰하여 한국해운 근대화과정의 일단을 조감해 보고자 한다.
In July 1899, there was organized an unique maritime administration section in the Communication Division of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Department in the period of Yi-Dynasty in Korea, but this section was not realized us until up-to-date.
Since Busan Port was opened in February 1876, the steamship and shipping industry was really introduced to Korea because many Japanese and Chinese steamships called into Korean open ports such as Inchon, Busan and Wonsan. The trend of modernized steamship concept was acknowledged a very useful transportation method by Korean, and they think it seems to be made a good business. Furthermore, steamships can carry many quantity of rice and are also possible to navigate in safety rather than Korean traditional small wooden ships. This was a great advantage which carry out coastal sea transport of the rice by steamships. Then Korean Government firstly imported a small steamship S.S. Hairyong having G/T 335 tons of her capacity in June 1886 which was possessed by NYK in Japan. Since that, even Korea imported some steamships base on official and private, but there was not organized any maritime administration activities at that time. hi May 1899, the Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Department of Imperial Korea considered to organize the maritime section in Communication Division of the said Department, then legislated relative regulations on ships and appointed ship's levy officers to the whole country.
The main duty of ship's levy office was to collect ship's tax, but they also performed to issue official certificates as well as ship's nationality and certificate of survey on ships. The maritime section of the Communication Division in the Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Department was reorganized as maritime section of the Communication Bureau effective on March 23, 1900. This section was one of early administrative organization on shipping at the period of Imperial Korea. However, we can understand how to start and perform the modernized Korean shipping administration through maritime section's activities in 1899-1900.
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