시동병(是動病).소생병(所生病)의 배속(配屬)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) = A Study on the Basic Principle of the Classification of Sidong Disease.Sosaeng Disease
이봉효 (대구한의대학교) ; 김성진 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구경혈학교실) ; 정창환 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구경혈학교실) ; 권수영 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구경혈학교실) ; 임성철 (대구한의대학교) ; 이경민 (대구한의대학교) ; 김재수 (대구한의대학교) ; 이윤경 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ; 정태영 (대구한의대학교) ; 고경모 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ; 이상남 (대구한의대학교) ; Lee, Bong-Hyo ; Kim, Seong-Jin ; Jung, Chang-Hwan ; Kwon, Su-Young ; Lim, Sung-Chul ; Lee, Kyung-Min ; Kim, Jae-Su ; Lee, Yoon-Kyoung ; Jung, Tae-Young ; Ko, Kyung-Mo ; Lee, Sang-Nam
대한침구의학회지(Journal of Korean acupuncture & moxibustion medicine society )
발행기관 URL
Objectives : The purpose of this study is to find the principal of the assignment of Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease(是動病 所生病) into 12 meridians and suggest the author's opinion. Methods : 1. The authors investigated the conception of Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease through several literatures. 2. The authors investigated the line course of 12 meridians(經脈流注) and their Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease. 3. The authors classified Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease following the study by Kim et al. 4. The authors suggested the opinions about the diseases that are difficult to be understood direct relation with the course of meridian. Results : 1. The result of classification of Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease into 5 shows that the percentages were 32.96% for meridian's own disease(本經病), 13.97% for organic own disease(本臟腑病), 12.85% for other organic own disease(他臟腑病), 20.67% for related organic disease(有關器官病), 19.55% for etc.(其他病). 2. Therefore, 19.55% of the whole Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease is that which occurred on the site that is not related directly with the meridian. Conclusions : 1. The exterior and interior relation(表裏關係) and mutual communication between organ and bowel(臟腑相通) are associated with the basic principal of the assignment of Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease that is not related with the course of meridian. 2. The cause of assignment of Sidong disease and Sosaeng disease can be explained according to the profound medical theories.
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