매체제작을 통한 한국어 교육 : UCC 제작을 중심으로 = Education of Korean Language through Media Making - Focusing on UCC Making
논산 : 건양대학교, 2015
학위논문(석사)-- 건양대학교 : 외국어로서의한국어학과 2015. 8
96 p. ; 26 cm
지도교수: 이혜경
The purpose of this study is to find a way of applying UCC making education, the trend of today's media education, to education of Korean language as a plan to induce foreigners learning Korean language to have an interest in their target language.
To achieve that, this study let eight Chinese learners participate in UCC making activity. To summarize the study method, first, the instruction factors of teaching and learning were looked into, and a model on the basis of task-based instruction was designed. Secondly, based on the designed model, the teaching and learning method using UCC making was proposed in order for the foreigners learning Korean language to improve four functions of language and receive Korean language expression education and efficient understanding education. Thirdly, the
proposed method was applied to actual class. Fourthly, how the method of Korean language education using UCC making in class affected learners was discussed.
In the UCC making processes ranging from writing a plan to editing an image, learners acquired four function of language: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. In the course of performing a task, the learners communicated with a teacher and with other learners to draw opinions.
Such interaction helped to improve their ability of speaking and of making expressions.
This study drew the following positive results from the Korean language education using UCC making.
First, learners actively participated in class with interest.
Secondly, learners were able to learn four functions of language (listening, speaking, writing, and reading) in the class applying the proposed method, compared to other classes. Thirdly, the class applying the proposed method was able to make active communication through interaction and collaborative learning of learners.
Fourthly, through UCC making, it was easy to provide expression education and help learners improve their understanding ability.
The UCC making based class is highly applicable not only to education of other foreign languages, but to Korean language education. As shown in this thesis, if strong points of UCC are used more diversely and relevant study continues to be conducted, UCC will be applicable more
highly and will be used in class more effectively. It is expected that the Korean language education applying the proposed method will contribute to interesting language education based on various plays, beyond passive
language education, and that more foreigners will learn Korean language with their interest in Korea.
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