당일수술실의 운영실태조사 및 도입방안연구 = Investigation of current operational status of Day Surgery Centers at other hospitals and feasibility study of introduction of the Day Surgery Center
강화군 : 가천의과학대학교 병원경영대학원, 2006
학위논문(석사)-- 가천의과학대학교 병원경영대학원 : 병원경영학전공 2006. 8
517.16 판사항(4)
56p. ; 26cm
참고문헌: p. 48-50
In the current society and economic environment where demand for day surgeries by patients is consistently increasing, day surgery patients have been steadily increasing as a fact. Naturally recognition and satisfaction level of the medical society as well as the patients on the day surgery center system has shown some improvement at the same time. Recently, few hospitals have introduced day surgery centers and this has thus increased the level of interest for day surgeries. However, this is still operated as sample cases and is only applicable to few specific hospitals where the list of patients waiting for surgery is very long. Compared to that of other countries, day surgery centers in Korea are comparatively less active. Today, day surgery is limited to few specific hospitals and surgeries but considering the shortage of beds and capacity to take in in- patients, day surgery seems to be a very good solution to the problem. Hospitals looking at the issue of day surgery centers from the profit point of view rather than the patients’ point of view is one of the biggest hindering factors. For the day surgery centers to dramatically increase in number, there will have to be administrative and financial support from the government.
Advantages of day surgery centers are that length of patients staying away from their homes and families which they feel most comfortable with is shortened and length of children being kept away from their parents is also shortened. Such comfortable circumstances would automatically lead to positive effects when recovering from surgeries. From the government’s perspective, it cuts short unnecessary stays at the hospital consequently lessening the medical expenses.
In carrying out the research, two methods were used including reference to related literature and carrying out actual cases studies. Literature wise, books on history of day surgery centers and current status of day surgery centers in the US and the background for its increase were consulted. For real case studies, studies were carried out on five hospitals in Seoul and Gyunggi area where day surgery centers are currently in practice.
The study was aimed to learn how the current day surgery centers were adopted, current status and problems so that I can come up with effective ways to introducing day surgery centers to those hospitals that are considering introduction of day surgery centers. However, I came across following problems and thus found it difficult to attain effective ways to introduction of day surgery centers.
First of all, I needed to look into more hospitals but there were only five in the country that practices the system.
Secondly, due to the lapse of time, there were hospitals where those who worked at the time of introduction of the system are no longer working for the same hospital.
Thirdly, one of the hospitals did not keep the documents relating to set up of the day surgery center and thus they could not keep track of whether the introduction of daily surgery center has had an effect on the number of regular surgeries.
Most of the hospitals when introducing a new system, carry out a detailed planning where they look into the objectives, expected results, decide on specific methods of introduction and the department that will be in charge of the whole introduction process. However, in the course of the research, it was found that the hospitals hardly keep any record of this set up process. It was most regretful that they did not leave any recordings of the problems they faced in the course of the set up and how they dealt with those problems. It was thus very difficult to get concrete material that could help me come up with ways to improve the current status of day surgery centers in Korea.
However, in conclusion, through the five existing day surgery centers, I did manage to derive at the problems facing operation of day surgery centers and ways to improve the current status. I am sure my findings will be very helpful to those hospitals that are planning to introduce day surgery centers in future.
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