스테파누스 2세와 피핀의 상봉: 그 역사적 의미 = Historical Significance of the Meeting Between Stephen 2 and Pepin 3
Italy was a land of conflicting dilemmas in the middle of the eighth century. Because three powers of the Byzantines, the Lombards, and the Papacy competed one another to hold hegemony of the Italian peninsula. The Byzantine Emperors, as the legitimate successors of the ancient Roman Emperors, claimed their theoretical rights to rule the peninsula. But the Lombard kings who had strong troops tried to seizure the whole Italy by the sword. The Popes, on the other hand, wouldn`t accept not only the rult of the Byzantins but also that of the lombards because the wanted to rule over the whole province of Italy. In this tripartite relation Pope StephenⅡ took the initiztive in Italy by the tools of diplomacy. It was impossible for the Pope to expel the Byzantines and the Lombards from the peninsula because he had not any military means. He solved the difficult situation receiving the military assistance from the Frankish king PepinⅢ. Stehpen, that is, rescued the Church and the Papac by means of his skill diplomacy. There were secret contacts between the papal curia and the pepin`s palace before Stephen visited the Frankish kingdom. Both exchanged Letters and embassies each other with the utmost secrcy without making known those things to either Byzantines or Lombards. Stephen`s secret diplomacy obtained excellent results. The Papacy could be raised to the position of the head in the Italian peninsula instead of Byzantines and Lombards In relation with Pepin the Stephen also enjoyed actual papal supremacy. The evidence that the Pope claimed his supremacy to the Frankish king was indeed the Donation of Constantine and the Petrine Theory. The Pope`s predominant position was evidently expressed in the rite of groom service that Pepin performed before Stephen when they met each other at the first time. Stephen succeed to make Pepin protector of the see of St. Peter as a result of the meeting between the two. The Pope charged the Frankish king with the duty of service for the Roman Church and the Papacy. The Popes such intention was symbolically reflected in the unction which Stephen edstowed on pepin and his two sons at St. Denis and the title `patricius Romanourum` which he conered on them after the rite. In severe danger Stephen thus saved the Duchy of Rome and the Roman Church receiving the military assistance from Pepin. Pepin also made some profits by foreing cooperation with Stephen though the Frankish king acted passively in relation with the Pope. Consecrated by the Pope the Frankish king now became a holy king. and then as a capacity of a holy king Pepin was properly able to conduct the Chirstian people living in the western Europe. Making successful expeditions to italy he not only consolidated his position in the Frankish kingdom but also secured a firm foothold to take a significant role in the western society. In these aspects the meeting between Stephen and Pepinwas the important accident that decided on the future course of the history of the Papacy and furthermore of the western Europe.
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