역학적 특성에 기반한 장마철 집중호우 메커니즘 분석
공주 : 공주대학교 일반대학원, 2021
학위논문(석사)-- 공주대학교 일반대학원 : 대기과학과 2021. 2
551.5 판사항(22)
Analysis of heavy rainfall mechanism of the Changma based on dynamical characteristics
iv,27p ; 26cm
참고문헌 : 24p.
On the Korean Peninsula, 30 percent of total annual precipitation occurs during the Changma season. For the 10 years from 2009 to 2018, heavy rainfall, excluding typhoons, account for the largest percentage of casualties caused by natural disasters, at 59.3 percent. Therefore, in order to reduce the damage caused by heavy rainfall, it is necessary to understand the heavy rainfall that occurs during the Changma season when large amounts of precipitation occur in a short period of time. In the previous study, classification was made to understand the occurrence of heavy rainfall on the Korean Peninsula, but there is a lack of research based on mechanisms and morphological classification.
In this study, cases of rainfall during the June-September period of the 2016-2019 period meeting the criteria of over 30 mm hr-1, 80 mm day-1 were collected. Subsequently, the synoptic scale pattern was analyzed based on the Automatic Weather Station (AWS), the analysis weather chart, radar and satellite images of the Korea Meteorological Administration, and the mechanism analysis was performed using the data of the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS) of the Korea Meteorological Administration's numerical model. As a result, there are four main categories: cold front, warm front, migratory anticyclone, and isolated thunderstorms. In the case of isolated thunderstorms, precipitation was excluded from the classification because it was a localized form, not a band.
Analysis of the synoptic scale pattern showed that water vapor supply by North Pacific high was common. And there was a rise in the boundary of equivalent potential temperature, resulting in precipitation. The reason for the formation of the boundary surface is that the cold front is formed by cold advection caused by low pressure located north of the Korean Peninsula. Cold advection, the cause of the formation of front, are unique to cold front. While the warm front and migratory anticyclone were formed by warm advection by the confluent of the North Pacific high and low pressure in the west and southwest of the Korean Peninsula. Warm front and migratory anticyclone are divided into the presence and absence of migratory anticyclone located on the Korean Peninsula. Counter flow are caused by migratory anticyclone located on the Korean Peninsula and the North Pacific high.
Therefore, we find that heavy rainfall during the Changma season are a complex phenomenon caused by different mechanisms, not just one known mechanism.
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