만 2세 영아의 아버지들의 놀이신념, 부모 효능감 그리고 영아 놀이성의 관계 = The Relationship Between Play Beliefs, Parent Efficacy and Toddlers’ Playfulness in Two-year-old Toddlers' Fathers
인천 : 인천대학교 교육대학원, 2015
학위논문(석사)-- 인천대학교 교육대학원 : 유아교육전공 2015. 8
; 26 cm
지도교수: 안효진
The Relationship Between Play Beliefs, Parent Efficacy and Toddlers’ Playfulness in Two-year-old Toddlers' Fathers
Kwon In Ok
Early Childhood Education Major
Graduate School of Education
University of Incheon
The aims of this study are to investigate the differences between play beliefs, parent efficacy, and toddlers’ playfulness according to the sociodemographic variables of two-year-old toddlers’ fathers and to examine the correlation between play beliefs, parent efficacy, and toddlers’ playfulness toward their fathers. The value of this research lies not only in its help in understanding accurately and better utilizing play by providing basic data that serve as positive factors in fathers’ beliefs affecting toddlers’ play but also in its potential role to assist child care by theorizing about fathers’ roles and the importance of parenting styles.
1.2.1. Are there any difference between play beliefs, parent efficacy, and toddlers’ playfulness according to the sociodemographic variables of fathers and to examine the correlation between play beliefs, parent efficacy, and toddlers’ playfulness toward fathers?
- Is there any difference in play beliefs according to the sociodemographic variables of fathers?
- Is there any difference in parent efficacy according to the sociodemographic variables of fathers?
- Is there any difference in toddlers’ playfulness according to the sociodemographic variables of fathers?
1.2.2. What is the relationship between fathers’ play beliefs, parent efficacy and toddlers’ playfulness?
The subjects of this study were 152 two-year-old toddlers enrolled in 30 child care facilities, including public, private, and home child care facilities, in Incheon and Gyeoggido Province. In order to measure the fathers’ play beliefs, parent efficacy and toddlers’ playfulness the Parent Play Beliefs Scale (PPBS), the Parent Sense of Competence (PSCO), and the Children's Playfulness Scale (CPS) were used respectively. The collected data were analyzed through t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient test according to the research questions.
The major results of this study are as follows.
1. No differences were found between play-centered play beliefs and learning-centered play beliefs in relation to the variables of the fathers’ ages and jobs. However, there was a difference in play-centered play beliefs in relation to the fathers’ educational backgrounds, while a difference in learning-centered play beliefs was also found in regard to the variable of income. Fathers’ efficacy was indifferent to the variables, including age, educational background, income, and job. There were no differences in toddlers’ playfulness in relation to fathers’ ages, but a difference was noted in toddlers’ playfulness in relation to fathers’ educational backgrounds and incomes. Furthermore, a sense of humor, a sub-variable of toddlers’ playfulness, was noted to be different according to the fathers’ jobs.
2. Fathers’ play beliefs were positively correlated with parent efficacy but proved not to have a statistically significant correlation with toddlers’ playfulness.
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