植物特許制度의 改善方案 硏究 = (The) Study on the Plant Patent System
대전 : 忠南大學校 特許法務大學院, 2004
학위논문(석사)-- 충남대학교 특허법무대학원: 특허법무전공 2004. 2
365.23 판사항(4)
iii, 104p. : 삽도 ; 26cm .
참고문헌: p. 100-101
In the Korean patent law, Article 31 is the only provision in the field of plant patent. This provision refers that a person who invents a variety of plants that reproduces itself asexually may obtain a plant patent. The meaning of this provision has been controversial continuously. The most important thing among the controversies is whether the provision, Article 31, is dependent or independent form other provisions.
When the first action in lawmaking for protecting plant varieties was taken place in 1946, the plant patent system in the US code 35 was almost perfectly introduced into the Korean patent law as it was. In US code 35, plant patent is said as a kind of patent for protecting only plant varieties. However, all the provisions introduced from US code 35 in 1946 were deleted in 1961 except for the provision describing the subject of protection. The remained provision is same to the present Article 31 with the exception of the provisory clause.
There are difficulties in finding out the reason why the only provision, Article 31, was remained. In the first place, we can merely infer the meaning of this provision by making an observation in the worldwide trends in the protection system for plant varieties at that time.
After the rediscovery for Mendel's law at 1900, the plant breeding was started in a scientific way and thereby the new problems in protecting the new varieties bred by scientific methods such as crossing, selection was followed. However, the new plant varieties were not protected by patent law because they were not satisfactory to the requirements in description, repeatability, or inventive step as an invention.
Because of these reasons, many countries introduced a new suigeneris system that is different form the general patent. Plant Patent Act was established in USA at 1930 and UPOV convention, a model for plant varieties' protection law, was concluded by European countries at 1961.
The protection for plant varieties by the general patent was started in the 1980s since when biotechnology has become a tool in plant breeding. Plant improved by genetic engineering such as gene recombination, cell fusion and transformation was satisfactory to the said requirements.
Considering the history of plant protection, the provision restricting the subject in the plant patent law (1961) was not necessary since, in that law, no plant varieties was able to be a protectable subject meeting the requirements of the general patent at that time. Therefore, the existing Article 31 can be concluded to be nothing but a provision to declare the fact that the new varieties can be protected.
As the result, we can either introduce either the plant patent system with complementation the Article 31 or delete the article 31. But if the plant patent system is introduced, there will be two protection systems for asexually reproducing plant varieties, the plant patent act and plant varieties protection law. Considering the problem of double protection system, it would be desirable to deleting the existing Article 31.
Consequently, plant inventions by new biotechnology can be applied to the general patent for the protection and plant varieties by the conventional breeding method can be legitimate to the plant variety protection system.
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