이주홍의〈아버지〉연구 = A Study on Lee, Chu-hong's〈Father〉
류종렬 (부산외국어대학교 인문ㆍ사회대학 국어국문학과)
釜山外國語大學校 比較文化硏究所(Institute for Cross-Cultural Studies PUSAN UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGNSTUDIES)
Lee Chu-hong's novel &Father& represents the save-the-nation ideology inherited
through three generations of a family in the late Chosun Dynasty, describing the
manners and customs of the age. In the novel, Father is a symbol which embodies the
loyalty ideology, and is not different from the nation in the ultimate point of view. The
novel regards the confucian ideology in Chosun Dynasty which based on the loyalty and
filial piety as the most important traditional value; and the absence and presence of the
ideology in the novel means unhappiness and happiness, or evil and good. Finding father
in the novel doesn't differ from saving nation. Mandae's father becomes a solder in
righteous army by his father's will, and Mandae also become a righteous soldier so as
to find his father; that's natural conclusion in the writer's view of the world where
there's no difference between the ideology of loyalty and filial peity, and that of
save-the nation.
But in the novel the ideology is not appropriately embodied. The action of characters
and the episodic insertion of manners and customs are not closely matched. In other
words the manners and customs, and history are not unified in a single context. Yet we
should not neglect the significance of describing manners and customs. Because without
the description, the strange theme of the novel might be overexposed, and so the novel
would reveal its limitation. The description of the manners and customs may be an
important element in that it helps the novel with the effect of softening the theme
exposure although the description is not enough media for the novel. Of course, it is
inevitable to say that the manners and customs, and history should have a concrete
relationship in order to be a more successful work.
Lee Chu-hong's novel <Father> represents the save-the-nation ideology inherited through three generations of a family in the late Chosun Dynasty, describing the manners and customs of the age. In the novel, Father is a symbol which embodies the loyalty ideology, and is not different from the nation in the ultimate point of view. The novel regards the confucian ideology in Chosun Dynasty which based on the loyalty and filial piety as the most important traditional value; and the absence and presence of the ideology in the novel means unhappiness and happiness, or evil and good. Finding father in the novel doesn't differ from saving nation. Mandae's father becomes a soldier in righteous army by his father's will, and Mandae also becomes a righteous soldier so as to find his father; that's natural conclusion in the writer's view of the world where there's no difference between the ideology of loyalty and filial piety, and that of save-the-nation.
But in the novel the ideology is not appropriately embodied. The action of characters and the episodic insertion of manners and customs are not closely matched. In other words the manners and customs, and history are not unified in a single context. Yet we should not neglect the significance of describing manners and customs. Because without the description, the strange theme of the novel might be overexposed, and so the novel would reveal its limitation. The description of the manners and customs may be an important element in that it helps the novel with the effect of softening the theme exposure although the description is not enough media for the novel. Of course, it is inevitable to say that the manners and customs, and history should have a concrete relationship in order to be a more successful work.
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