A Study on the Management Decision-Making Model Based on Corporate Information Analysis : -Focused on Internet Financial Companies = 기업 정보분석 기반 경영의사결정 모델에 관한 연구 - 인터넷 금융기업을 중심으로
영암 : 세한대학교 일반대학원, 2022
학위논문(박사)-- 세한대학교 일반대학원 : 경영학과 2022. 8
26 cm
지도교수: 김형호
With the development of new information technology and the
acceleration of industrial transfer worldwide, the economies of all
countries around the world are becoming more and more closely
connected. In addition, the modernized service industry is accelerating
the movement from developed to developing countries. The
development of online financial companies is closely related to the
process of globalization and also promotes the deepening of
Recently, businesses such as banks, insurance companies, securities
companies, and other financial industries have been rapidly developing
in China. In this situation, when small and medium-sized online
financial companies make important decisions about their businesses,
they face various problems, but most of the process of solving them
is not scientific. In this study, online financial companies were studied
to explore the factors influencing major business decisions of these
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence
the major business decisions of these companies by targeting online
financial companies.
The management decision-making process through corporate
information analysis was analyzed for 10 large Internet financial
companies in China. In addition, a survey was conducted on
employees working for Internet financial companies to evaluate the
impact of corporate financial information and corporate non-financial
information on management decision-making.
In this study, SPSS ver.23.0 and Amos23.0 were used for data
As a result of the study, the following contents could be confirmed.
(1) Corporate financial information has a significant positive effect
on decision-making accuracy, and corporate non-financial information
has a significant positive effect on the effectiveness of
(2) Corporate information has a great influence on scientific
decision-making, but the degree of influence of corporate financial
information and corporate non-financial information on the scientific
nature of decision-making is different among the sub-elements of
corporate information.
(3) It was found that the impact of corporate financial information
on scientific decision-making was stronger than that of corporate
non-financial information, and the greater the change in financial
information, the clearer the direction of decision-making. As market
demand increases, decisions can be made by increasing market
supply, and the probability of obtaining expected results after decision
increases, and non-financial factors of companies are also one of the
factors affecting the scientific nature of decision, but their influence is
small. The impact of a company's non-financial factors on scientific
decision-making is only superficial, and the depth and sustainability
of its influence are inferior. Compared to corporate financial
information, it was confirmed that although corporate non-financial
factors would play a role in the detailed decision-making process, the
details did not significantly affect the overall effect of the decision.
This study confirmed that decision-making alternatives were
derived according to market demand and the ability of decision makers, which is meaningful in that it presented theoretical
implications for the decision-making practices and decision-making
processes of online financial companies.
There is a limit to applying the results of this study to all Internet
financial companies. In order to generalize the management
decision-making model of Internet financial companies, continuous
research should be conducted focusing on more company
decision-making cases.
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