고려시대 원관(院館) 사찰의 출현과 변천과정 = On the Development of Hostel Temples in Goryeo Period
It is well known that there were many temples which had the hostel and accommodated the travelers in Goryeo period. But it has not been fully understood why and when such temples appeared, what position and functions they took in the Buddhist society. Nor it has not been answered what kind of people had interests in founding and managing them, how they were managed. This paper surveyed the development and the decline of the "Hostel Temples" in Goryeo period. Hoste temples appeared first during the reign of King Hyeonjong(r.1009-1031) and proliferated to all around the country until beginning of the 13th century. Most of them were located at the places where the main roads which connect the capital and southern provinces cross. The Honggyeong-sa built in 1021 was the first Hostel temple found in the records. Some of the temples built following the proposal of Choe Sawi(961-1041), the prime minister during Hyeonjong`s reign, were also regarded as Hostel temples. The appearance of the he Hostel temples was closely related with the limits of the postal station system at the time. Public hostels managed by th government could only afford to accommodate the officials and public envoys. For the accommodation of other private travellers such as monks and merchants, it must have been the most convenient way for the King and the prime minister to utilize Buddhist properties and manpower. Most of the Hostel temples were built and managed by individual monks and officials. To participate in the building and management of the Hostel temples was to practice the Buddhist benevolence. It also presented the chances to increase their social and economic influences in the society to the monks and the officials. The Hostel temples could be succeeded by their disciples or descendants as their Petition temples. Hostel temples began to decline since 1230 when the overland transportation shrunk according to the invasion of Mongols. In the latter half of 14th century when King Gongmin and his successors tried to restore the overland transportation, many Hostels were made along the main roads. But the new Hostels were much different from the earlier Hostel temples. They were no more Buddhist temples. They were semi public facilities managed under the government provision and supervision, even though some of them were built after the earlier Hostel temples and operated by private people including monks or ex-monks. The government pursued to manage the postal station system by itself without the dependence on Buddhist properties and manpower.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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