유아대상 우유마시기 습관 길러주기 프로그램 실시에 따른 우유섭취 실태 : 의왕시 소재 H유치원을 대상으로
용인: 단국대학교 정보통신대학원, 2010
학위논문(석사)-- 단국대학교 정보통신대학원: 식품영양정보학과 식품영양정보전공 2010. 2
641.1 판사항(22)
Milk Consumption According to the Implementation of Milk Drinking Habit Development Program for Small Children:forH kindergarteninUiwang-si
viii,87 장: 삽도; 26cm.
단국대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
참고문헌 : 68-72장.
우유가 영양학적으로 우수하고 급성장기인 유아기에 신체적 성장발달에 중요한 영향을 미치는 식품으로 알려져 있지만, 2005국민건강영양조사에 따르면 우리나라 유아들의 우유섭취량은 권장섭취량에 비해 현저히 낮은 수준으로 나타났다.
따라서 본 연구에서는 유아들의 우유섭취습관을 길러주기 위한 사업에 참여한 유아를 대상으로 프로그램 실시에 따른 우유섭취실태를 조사하여 우유섭취량을 증진 시킬 수 있는 방안과 식습관이 정착되지 않은 유아들에게 우유마시기 습관형성에 도움이 되고자 하였다. 조사대상은 의왕시 소재 H유치원 원생과 학부모를 대상으로 했으며, 조사기간은 2008년 5월 1일부터 9월 30일까지 프로그램에 참여하고 아동설문조사와 부모설문조사에 모두 참여한 인원 76명을 대상으로 분석하였다. 자료의 분석은 SPSS 14.0 통계패키지 프로그램을 이용하였으며, 각 군 간의 유의성은 t-test와 ANOVA를 이용하여 검증하였으며, 유의수준은 α<0.05로 하였다.
수집된 자료의 실태 분석 결과는 다음과 같다.
1. 조사결과 3개월 동안 프로그램 실시관련 참여도를 보면 1회 7.9%, 2회 39.5%, 3회 참여가 52.6%로 나타났으며, 조사대상자의 평균 신장은 112.38cm(p<0.05), 체중은 18.92kg로, 남아는 56.6%, 여아는 43.4%이였으며, 6세가 44.7%로 가장 많고 5세 27.6%, 7세 22.4%, 4세 5.3%순 이였다.
2. 프로그램 월별 참여 변화율을 살펴본 결과 5월, 6월, 9월 모두 참여한 참여자가 76명중 52.6%이였고, 다음달에는 30.3%의 증가율을 보였다. 월 평균 그룹별 우유 취는 27.02±5.49의 빈도를 보였으며, 1일 우유섭취량은 평균 200~300mg를 마시는 빈도가 가장 높아, 우리나라 유아기의 우유권장 섭취량 600mg를 훨씬 못미치는 양을 섭취하고 있으며, 프로그램 참여도와 관계없이 유아들은 단맛의 우유를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다.
3. 조사대상자의 프로그램 시행 전·후의 우유섭취 변화량을 살펴보면 사전 39.5%가 1컵에서 사후 17.1%로 줄고, 23.7%가 2컵에서 42.2%로 늘었으며, 3컵 이상도 17.1%에서 40.8%로, 1일 우유섭취량이 프로그램 후 늘어난 것으로 조사되었으며, 참여도가 높을수록 우유섭취량 증가율이 높았고, 참여도가 낮을수록 우유섭취량의 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 우유섭취인식 또한 사전보다 사후에 증가한 것으로 나타났으며, 인식변화도 참여도가 높을수록 좋아진 것으로 나타났다.
4. 프로그램 참여 그룹별 영양지식 현황에서 학부모 대상 영양지식 총점에서는 평균점수가 10점 만점에 6.34±1.80으로 나타났으며, 프로그램 그룹별 우유와 영양지식에서 “만 3~5세의 유아의 칼슘의 1일 필요량은 200mg이다”라는 질문에 25%의 낮은 정답률을 보여 우유에는 칼슘이 들어있다는 것은 대다수 참여자가 인식을 하나, 유아의 하루 우유섭취량에 대하여는 인식이 낮은 편으로 나타났다.
5. 프로그램 시행 후 우유에 대한 선호도는 프로그램 참여도와 관계없이 높아졌고, 프로그램을 통해 우유마시기 실천도, 프로그램 도움여부는, 참여도가 높을수록 높았고, 우유섭취 지속여부, 우유섭취 인식에 대하여는 참여도에 관계없이 높아, 우유섭취의 영양적 중요성을 인식하고 있으며, 프로그램 실시 후 우유섭취 필요성에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 사료된다.
결론적으로 프로그램 참여 유아들의 우유섭취량은 부족한 상태이며, 프로그램 참여율이 높을수록 참여도가 낮은 유아들보다 하루 우유섭취량, 영양지식, 인식 변화가 높은 것으로 조사 되어, 우유섭취를 권장하기 위한 프로그램이 효과적으로 나타나 관련 프로그램의 지속적인 도입이 필요하다 하겠다.
Although milk is known as a food with excellent nutritional values and that has important effects on the physical growth and development during the rapid growth period of infancy, the result of 2005 national health and nutrition research revealed that the milk intake amount of small children in our country is significantly lower than the recommended amount.
Accordingly, this study sought to present a plan for increasing milk intake amount and provide help in forming milking drinking habit for small children that have not yet developed proper eating habits by researching the actual condition of milk intake according to the implementation of milk drinking habit development program for the small children participated in the program.
The research was conducted for the kindergartners attending H kindergarten located in Uiwang-si and their parents, and the analysis was conducted for 76 persons participated in the program and the survey researches for children and parents during the research period of May 1 - September 30, 2008. The statistical package program SPSS 14.0 was used to analyze the data, and the significances of each group were verified using t-test and ANOVA and the level of significance was set as α<0.05.
The result of analyzing the collected data is as follows.
1. In the research result, the level of participation in the program revealed the result of 7.9% for the first session, 39.5% for the second session and 52.6% for the third session, and the research subjects' average height was 112.38cm (p<0.05) and average weight was 18.92kg. In addition, 56.6% was male children and 43.4% was female children, and 44.7% was in the age of 6 followed by 27.6% for 5, 22.4% for 7 and 5.3% for 4.
2. The result of examining the rate of change in monthly program participation during three months revealed that 52.6% of 76 persons participated in every month of May, June and September and the number of kindergartners that had not participated in the first month but participated in the following month increased by 30.3%. As for the monthly milk intake frequency, the frequency of 21-31 times a month was the highest, and the amount of 200~300mg was the highest in the third and second sessions for the daily milk intake amount. In addition, the participants in the first session stated that they hardly drink any milk, in the amount of 100~200mg or 300mg thereby revealing that their intake amount was significantly short of the recommended daily milk intake amount of 3 cups (600mg) in our country.
3. To examine the amount of change in milk intake for the participants before and after the implementation of the program, the percentage of 1 cup decreased from 39.5% before the program to 17.1% after the program, and the percentage of 2 cups increased from 23.7% to 42.2%, and the percentage of more than 3 cups increased from 17.1% to 40.8% thereby revealing that the daily milk intake amount increased after the program. It was also revealed that the rate of change was high as the level of participation was higher, and no changes were shown in the milk intake amount as the level of participation was low. The understanding of milk intake also revealed to have increased after the program, and it was revealed that changes in understanding also improved as the level of participation was higher.
4. In total score of the nutrition knowledge by the parents in the present condition of nutrition knowledge according to groups participating in the program, it was revealed that the mean score was 6.34±1.80 out of the total score of 10, and in the milk and nutrition knowledge of program groups, the question that asked if the required daily calcium intake amount for small children in the ages of 3~5 is 200mg is correct showed the low rate of correct response of 25%, thereby showing a low level of understanding on the daily milk intake amount for small children even though even though most of the participants understood that calcium is contained in milk.
5. The level of preference for milk increased after the program regardless of the level of participation in the program, and the level of practice of drinking milk through the program and the usefulness of program were higher as the level of participation was higher. Also, they were recognizing the importance of milk intake since the willingness to continue drinking milk and milk intake understanding were high regardless of the level of participation, and it is thought that the program had a positive effect on the need for milk intake.
Conclusively, it was revealed that the milk intake amount is insufficient for small children that participated in the program and the program for recommending milk drinking revealed to be effective since the research showed that the daily milk intake amount, nutrition knowledge and changes in understanding were higher for small children with higher level of participation, and it can be said that there is a need to continually introduce related program.
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