국내 시판 중인 일부 탄산수의 치아 침식 가능성 평가 = Assessment of the erosive potential of carbonated waters국내 시판 중인 일부 탄산수의 치아 침식 가능성 평가
김상겸 ( Sang Kyeom Kim ) ; 박석우 ( Seok Woo Park ) ; 강시묵 ( Si Mook Kang ) ; 권호근 ( Ho Keun Kwon ) ; 김백일 ( Baek Il Kim ) 연구자관계분석
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Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the erosive potential of several carbonated waters and to confirm the availability of a simple ISO protocol for screening the erosive potential of drinks. Methods: A total of six carbonated waters were tested. Three products (Lemon-Sparkling water, Seagram, and Trevi) were domestic, and the other three (Perrier, San Pellegrino, and Rosbacher) were imported. Two kinds of carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola and Sprite) were used as controls. The erosive potential of each drink was assessed by measuring the initial pH (pHI), the final pH after degassing of carbon dioxide (pHF), and the titratable acidity to pH 5.5 (TA5.5) and 7.0 (TA7.0). The pH changes (ΔpH) caused by the addition of drinks to screening solutions were calculated according to the ISO protocol for evaluating the erosive potential of oral rinses. Results: The overall erosive potential of the carbonated waters was lower than that of the control drinks. The pHI and pHF of the carbonated waters ranged from 3.94 to 5.84 and from 5.07 to 7.88, respectively. The Lemon-Sparkling water showed the highest erosive potential among the carbonated waters, having the lowest pH (3.94) and the highest TA5.5 (1.67 ml). The ΔpH of all tested drinks ranged from ―1.00 to 0.23. Also, the tendency of erosive potential measured by ΔpH was similar to that measured by TA5.5. Conclusions: The carbonated waters tested in this study had a lower erosive potential than did the carbonated drinks. However, the erosive potential of domestic products was higher than that of imported products. The results of the ISO screening test could reflect the influence of the acid content as well as the pH of drinks. Therefore, this protocol could also be conveniently applied to evaluate the erosive potential of various drinks.
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