『뜻대로 하세요』에 나타난 변장의 연구 = A Study of Female Disguise Represented in As You Like It
대구 : 경북대학교 대학원, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 경북대학교 대학원 : 영어영문학과 2008. 2
58 p. ; 26cm
지도교수 :한영림
This thesis aims to analyse Shakespeare's use of female disguise in As You Like It. Disguise is a dramatic technique that allows characters to perform various roles through cross-dressing. Female characters who disguise themselves as men form a close connection with male characters because of their male appearance and masculine qualities. While in disguise they can overcome existing gender boundaries in patriarchy. In this respect, Rosalind could be interpreted as achieving a more self-governed character by disguising herself as a man than other female characters who don't disguise. Although Rosalind is positively related with male characters who live in Arden, however, she doesn't completely overcome her traditional, patriarchal role. When she takes off her disguise, she loses her power and independence by returning to the patriarchal society as Orlando's wife and Duke Senior's daughter. Therefore this thesis intends to point out that female disguise represented in As You Like It strengthens a social system in which men have all the power.
Rosalind chooses to disguise herself as a man in order to protect herself and her cousin, Celia from the patriarchal threats of Duke Frederik who robbed her father, Duke Senior of his dukedom. Wearing masculine clothes, she lives a new life in Arden and gains new power and independence as a man. Rosalind might be regarded as an androgynous character because she creates Ganymede, a male character and pretends to be a man in Arden. But she constantly shows her feminie characteristics when she is with Celia alone. This is why she cannot be an androgynous character. She divides herself into two personalities, as a man from the outside, and a woman from the inside. Rosalind pretends Ganymede by performing male gender roles.
Instead Rosalind becomes a multiple character towards her lover, Orlando. She doesn't drop her disguise when she meets him in Arden. Orlando meets Ganymede who is actually Rosalind, and takes a lesson from her to learn about women's love. Orlando simply thinks that she is Ganymede who pretends to be Rosalind. When Rosalind doesn't expose her identity, she gains the trust of man to man friendship with Orlando. As a result, she has a chance to observe Orlando and prevents him from idealizing women. Her dominance over Orlando, however, weakens as she returns to the Court that will be governed by him as her husband and Duke Senior as her father. On the other hand, Orlando regains his identity that he once lost by his brother, Oliver. He also forms with Duke Senior the father and son relationship, which is the root of patriarchy. Duke Senior and Orlando adopt the image of a benevolent patriarch.
At the end of the play, the hostile brothers-Duke Frederick and Duke Senior, Oliver and Orlando-reconcile with each other. The relationship between male characters becomes intensified, and all characters return to the Court except Duke Frederik and Jaques. Orlando's position rises because he, as a son-in-law of Duke Senior, becomes the lawful heir of dukedom. On the contrary, the bond between female characters is diminished because they must part from each other due to their marriages. Male characters are no longer restrained by women and keep their amicable relation, while female characters' friendship gets shaky because they have to obey their husbands and be confined in a marriage institution.
In As You Like It only men share a strong feeling of union, while women isolate themselves from each other. By employing the device of female disguise, Shakespeare doesn't celebrate women's power but conforms the patriarchal ideology. Rosalind gets her power and identity temporarily only in disguise, and the patriarchal system is permanently maintained. The title As You Like It suggests that the ending of the play is designed not as women like it but as men like it.
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