(A) Study on Humanitarian Intervention to North Korea : Countermeasures of South Korea and the US
서울 : 경희대학교 평화복지대학원, 2013
학위논문(석사)-- 경희대학교 평화복지대학원 : 아태지역전공 2013. 2
323 판사항(22)
vi, 72 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
지도교수: 차영구
경희대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
참고문헌: p. 67-72
Humanitarian intervention is an action that a state or a group of state intervenes using military means to other state in which there are human rights violations in order to protect and development human rights. After the Second World War, the international community recognized that humanitarian crisis and crimes against humanity threats world peace and order. Since then, the international community has been intervening to a country concerned with or without the approval of the UN using armed forces and tried to end the crisis and maintain peace and order of the world.
Meanwhile, there have been many forecasts about North Korean contingency. Contingency is an urgent situation that causes political, economic and social chaos thus it might lead collapse of regime and state system. Currently, North Korea connotes economic, social and regime instabilities, and these are factors of North Korean contingency. Particularly, situation of humanitarian crisis in North Korea which is one of the factors of social instabilities has been serious and this can be a ground for humanitarian intervention to North Korea.
Assuming that contingency occurs in North Korea, that situation would have enormous impact on not only the Korean peninsula but also Northeast Asia region. So it is necessary to check the applicability and type of humanitarian intervention to North Korea. When human rights situation is terrible or internal conflict in North Korea becomes intensified and the regime cannot control the whole state properly, humanitarian intervention would be applicable. There would be 2 types of the intervention. One is unilateral intervention of the World Powers and the other is an intervention with the UN Peacekeeping Forces.
For humanitarian intervention, South Korea should gain the sympathy of the international community about humanitarian crisis in North Korea and raise interests in human rights situation of North Korea inside the country. Also, South Korea should take the initiative and make plan for humanitarian intervention. In the case of the US, it would intervene to North Korea actively as it has established North Korean Human Rights Act and tried for development of human rights situation. For the US, the most option would be intervention by the combined ROK-US forces and another option is an intervention under a UN initiative.
Just procedure and appropriateness are important for humanitarian intervention however timeliness is another important factor for it. Considering that a reason for humanitarian intervention is to save people suffering from humanitarian crisis, if organizations or system that fulfill timeliness is developed, humanitarian intervention would be a well-made plan in terms of purpose and perform.
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