소련 국가안보 정책의 변화와 결정요인 = Determinants and Change of National Security Policy of the Soviet Union
이석호 (국방대학원)
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이 글의 주목적은 1917년 10월 볼쉐비키혁명부터 1991년 12월 소연방이 붕괴될 때까지 소련의 국가안보 개념과 정책의 변천과정과 공산주의 지배체제와 소연방 붕괴의 원인을 분석하는데 있다. 추가적으로 소련이 한국에 대해서 어떠한 안보정책을 갖고 있었나를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 위해서 이 논문은 4개의 부분으로 나뉘어져 있다.
첫째는 국가안보의 이론에 관한 고찰로써 국가안보의 개념을 정의하는 일의 어려움과 모호성, 국가안보를 유지하려는 과정에서 나타나는 국내적, 국제적 모순과 갈등, 국제질서구조와 국가안보의 상관관계, 탈냉전 이후 국가안보연구의 문제점들을 소개하였다. 둘째로는 소련의 국가안보 개념과 정책의 변화과정을 크게 세 개의 기간으로 나누어 고찰하였다.: ① 공산주의체제 정착기(1917-1953), ② 강대국으로서 등장기(1953-1985), ③ 공산주의체제 붕괴기(1985-1991). 세째로 왜 최근에 소련의 국가안보 개념은 절대적, 군사적 안보개념에서 상호공존과, 비군사적인 성격을 강조하는 개념으로 바뀌었나? 궁극적으로 왜 공산주의 체제는 망하고 소연방은 붕괴되었나? 이러한 질문에 대한 대답을 6개의 측면, ① 이데올로기와 정통성, ② 민족문제, ③ 경제적, ④ 외교적, ⑤ 군사적, ⑥ 소련을 둘러싸고 있는 구제환경 등으로 나누어 설명했다. 분석 시기는 편의상 1917년 10월 혁명부터 1985년 3월까지로 하였다. 네째로 이러한 소련의 붕괴와 관련하여 러시아의 대한국 안보정책 결정 요인은 무엇인가를 분석하였다. 러시아의 대한국 안보정책 결정 요인은 역사적으로 자신의 국내정치적 조건, 지정학적으로 대미·일·중국정책, 한국과 쌍무관계에서는 경제적 이익이 지배적이었다. 한반도 주변 4국중에서 러시아는 한반도에 대한 이해관계 때문에 가장 피를 적게 흘렸다. 즉 한반도에 대해서 러시아는 가장 소극적인 이해관계를 보여준 국가이다.
The aims of this paper are to explain the changing process of national security concept and policy of the Soviet Union from the Bolshevik revolution to the collapse of the Soviet Union and to clarify the reasons why the communist ruling system and the Soviet Union were dissolved. Further, the is년 and concepts about national security in international relations were theoretically reviewed and it was discussed about the Soviet security policy toward the Korean peninsula.
In the theoretical part about national security such issues were introduced: difficulty and ambiguity in defining the concept of national security, conflict and contradiction in maintaining national security, the relations between national security and structure of international circumstances, and problems in studying national security since the end or cold war. The changing process of national security concept and policy of the Soviet Union were discussed according to the 3 period divided such as : ① the establishing period of communist system (1917-1953), ② the emerging period of the Soviet Union as a superiod of the soviet Union as a superpower in world politics (1951-1985) ③ the dissolving period of the communist system(1985-1991).
In the beginning years of the communist system the Soviet Union did not think about her security in the traditional way, but soon accepted the traditional concept of national security based on the concept of modern state in the western Europe. That is to say, she took the concept and policy to guarrantee the physical survival of a nation state. During the second period the domain of her national security was expanded from the regional to the global and her weapon system changed from the conventional to the nuclear one, while simultaneously the military strategic concept became aggressive. Her security policy heavily depended on military, resulting in severe arms race with the United States. During Gorvachev period the Soviet concept of national security changed dramatically in the three aspects : ① the national security depending on military means to non-military ones, ② absolute security to common security, ③ devaluation of ideological role in internation relations. In the last years of the soviet Union her security policy became comprehensive, interdependent, and non-ideological.
The backgrounds which Gorbachev could make the security policy dramatically changed one were as followings: first, Marx-Leninism as her ruling ideology had not been accepted legitimately by people; second, nationality policy toward minority was failed and consequently political integration could not have been achieved; third, from the beginning of 1970s the soviet economy was stagnant and the competitive power in international market became so weak; fourth, her conventional military technology began to deteriorate nuclear strategy due to the emphasis on; fifth, all of internationally important and rich countries had become her enemies because her foreign policy had been preponderantly dependent on military power; sixth, her strategic environment was not so aggressive and antagonistic to her security rather than she thought.
Historically, the first and most important determinants of Russia's security policy toward korea have been the internal political circumstances. Geopolitically her policies toward America, Japan, and China, have been important. Finally economic interests to be able to get anything from korea have been considered. Among the four major powers surrounding korea, Russia has the least amount of blood for her interests in the korean peninsula. That is, Russia's interests in the Korean peninsula have been passive.
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