한국산 고구마의 화학적 조성에 관한 연구 = Studies on the Chemical Compositions of Korean Sweet Potatoes
이춘영 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ; 김호식 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ; 김재욱 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과)
Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem)(Applied Biological Chemistry)
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For the studies an the Chemical compositions of Sweet potatoes grown in Korean soil, Suwon No. 118 and Suwon No. 147 were applied as the samples during growing period, and 15 varieties of sweet potatoes as the samples for comparisons among them.
As the results ef the studies followings were obtained.
Changes of the chemical compositions of root tuber during growing period.
1. Total weights of root tubers and mean weight per root tuber were increased gradually as grew with the values of Suwon No. 147 is higher than that of Suwon No. 118 except the weight of Suwon No. 147 on September 9.
2. The moisture content of the roots were fairy uniform.
3. While the starch contents and crude starch yield in the root tuber were gradually increased with almost parallel as grew except the values of Suwon No. 147 on September 7. were markedly higher.
4. The total weight of the Sweet potatoos per Dan-Bo (about 0.25 acre) showed increased values with Suwon No. 147 is higher than Suwon No. 118 except the unexpected lower weight of Suwon No. 147 on September 9. and the crude starch yield of Suwon No. 147 per Dan-Bo also showed higher values than that of Suwon No. 118 with almost parallel increase of them as they grew.
5. Reducing sugar contents of them showed gradual decreases at earlier stages then increases at latter stages as grew, and total sugar and sucrose of them also showed gradual increases except extremly higher contents of Suwon No. 147 and lover values of Suwon No. 118 on September 9.
6. Total protein and soluble protein contents of them showed that initial and last stages of the growth are in higher values but middle stages are fairy low values with a little changes of difference between total protein, and soluble protein.
The comparisons among those varieties.
7. The moisture contents of root tuber varies from 63% to 72% among them.
8. The starch contents of Suwon No. 118 (23.9%) is highest value among them, Ko-Ke No. 14 and Won-Ki successively lower and Dae-Nong No. 45 is the lowest one.
Crude starch yield (%) of Ko-Ke No. 14 and Won-Ki successively lower and Dae-Nong No. 45 is the lowest one.
Crude starch yield (%) of Ko-Ke No. 147 is highest value, Suwon No. 118. Won-Ki are successively lower and Do-Ip is the lowest one.
9. Won-Ki is highest value in reducing sugar content, and Do-Ip No. 2 is lowest one in it. The sucrose content of Chil-Bok is highest and Won-Ki is lowest among them.
Soluble total sugar content of Yu-Sim is in highest and Chun-Mi is in lowest value.
10. Total protein content showed that Suwon No. 147 is in highest value and Yu-Sim is in lowest one.
On the other hand, soluble protein contents showed that Chil-Bok is in highest value and Yu-Sim is in lowest one.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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