의암 유인석의 청렴사상 연구 = A Study on the Thought of Integrity of Uiam Ryu In Seok
전진동 (강원대학교 철학과)
Uiam Ryu In Seok was born in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do in 1842, in the late Joseon Dynasty. He went through a period of chaos in reign of potentates, and lived a period of upheaval called Japanese colonial era. In the late Joseon Dynasty, he early went under the leadership of Hwaseo Lee Hang-ro(華西 李恒老), one of the three great philosopher of Juri(主理) philosophy, and studied hard. And during the period of mayhem, he dedicated himself to saving the people and the country. As an Confucian scholar, he was the head of the righteous army who led the anti-Japanese army, and during Japanese colonial era, he worked as an independence activist. He left a great mark on the history of Confucius in Korea and the history of anti-Japanese righteous army. He did the movement of Wijeongcheoksa(衛正斥邪) against Western aggression and devoted himself to the anti-Japanese righteous army movement and the independence movement, so he did not have time to take proper care of himself and his families. Naturally, he could not afford to accept a position as a public official. Like his teacher, he did not go to the public office through Gwageo tests(科擧). He was not a public official like this, but his integrity, a key virtue of public officials, was extraordinary. Nevertheless, there is not much research on his thought of integrity. That is why it is worth studying his thought of integrity. There is a clear reason to study his integrity, a key requirement for public officials. He was born and lived in the late Joseon Dynasty and the most chaotic and difficult times in Korean history, but he practiced the thought of integrity all his life.
Integrity means 'nobility and lack of greed'. There are many conditions for integrity. But the most important of them are loyalty, sincerity, filial duty, innocence, frugality, benevolence, justice, virtue etc. It is no exaggeration to say that Ryu In Seok's life has all these things. These thoughts of his integrity can be summarized as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and frugality. He has been very filial since he was a child. He loved his neighbor and gave love to people he didn't know very well. It extended this filial piety to the country. That is loyalty. Finally, he lived a frugal and restrained life all his life, avoiding material and external things such as wealth, women, and alcohol. His thoughts of integrity greatly influenced the independence movement. Although he died in 1915 without seeing the independence of Joseon, he still lives and breathes in the spirit of the Korean people, and still teaches integrity. In this way, the thought of Ryu In Seok's integrity is still shining brilliantly. His thought of integrity is making our society fairer and cleaner. We hope that research on the integrity of Ryu In Seok will be more active in the future.
毅菴 柳麟錫은 조선 후기인 1842년 강원도 춘천에서 출생하였다. 일찍이 조선 후기 主理哲學 3대가의 한사람인 華西 李恒老의 문하에 들어가서 본격적으로 유학을 배웠다. 그리고 대혼란의 시기에 오직 백성과 나라를 구하겠다는 大義를 위해 자신의 몸을 바쳤다. 유학자로서 항일의병을 이끈 의병장이며, 일제강점기에는 독립운동가로 활동한 것이다. 서양의 침략에 맞서 위정척사 운동을 전개하고 일본이 침략해 들어오자 항일 의병운동과 독립운동에 헌신하느라 자신과 가족조차 제대로 돌볼 시간이 없었다. 스승과 마찬가지로 과거시험을 통해 벼슬길에 오르지 않았다. 그는 이렇게 공직자가 아님에도 공직자의 핵심 덕목인 청렴성만큼은 남달랐다. 그렇지만 그의 청렴사상에 대한 연구가 많지 않다. 그래서 그의 청렴사상을 구체적으로 조명해볼 가치가 있는 것이다.
청렴은 ‘성품이 고결하고 탐욕이 없음’을 뜻한다. 조선시대에는 ‘청렴결백한 관리’를 뜻하는 淸白吏를 선발하였다. 청백리가 갖춰야 할 조건은 많지만, 그중에서도 가장 핵심적인 것이 忠誠, 淸白, 勤儉, 敬孝, 厚德, 仁義다. 유인석의 삶을 조명해보면 이 모든 것을 갖췄다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 이러한 그의 청렴사상은 효도[孝], 사람다움[仁], 충성[忠], 검소[儉]로 요약할 수 있다. 그의 청렴사상은 實谷 李弼熙, 己千 李鎭龍, 湖隱 全德元 등 그의 제자들이 독립운동의 주역으로 성장하는데 많은 영향을 주었다. 그는 비록 조선의 독립을 보지 못하고 1915년 서거하였지만, 우리 국민들의 정신 속에 살아숨쉬면서 춘천에 세워진 의암유인석기념관이라는 곳에서 지금도 공직자는 물론 학생, 군인 등 신분과 남녀노소를 불문하고 청렴사상을 가르치고 있다. 이렇게 유인석의 청렴사상이 아직도 찬란하게 빛나고 있는 것이다. 그의 청렴사상으로 인해 우리 사회가 좀 더 공정해지고 깨끗해지고 있다.
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