韓牛肥育의 收益性 增大에 관한 硏究 : 肥育開始時의 體重이 增體와 收益性에 미치는 影響을 中心으로 = A Study on Input-Output Analyis of Korean Cattle
姜昌鎭 (建國大學校 大學院 畜産學科 碩士課程 修了)
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of starting body weight on weight gain, fattening period and economic efficiency in short and middle periods fattening system. Averaged starting body weights of each groups composed of 15 Korean bulls. Which were 200, 250, and 300kg, respectively. The results obtained in those experiments were as follows;
1) Average daily gains through out of fattening period were 0.917Kg for the groups of 200Kg, 0.922Kg for 250Kg, and 0.933Kg for 300Kg, respectively.
2) The larger the starting body weight, the smaller daily gain was resulted ; daily gain of each groups till 111 day of fattening were 0.979 Kg for the group of 200Kg, 0.929Kg for 250Kg, and 0.861Kg for 300Kg, respectively.
3) Decline of daily gain was initiated from the 5th month of fattening, and this trend was contributed to the seasonal changes.
4) Duration of fattening period from starting body weight to 420Kg was 227.5 days for the groups of 200Kg, 182.5 days for 250Kg, and 142.6 days for 300Kg, respectively.
Differences in Starting body weights ranged from 41.7Kg to 45.1Kg was resulted in fattening period from 39.9 to 45 days.
5) Needs of D.C.P for the 1Kg gain in the groups of 200Kg, 250Kg and 300Kg were 0.879, 0.915, and 0.943Kg, respectively, and those of T.D.N in each groups were 5.660, 5.888, and 6.064Kg, respectively.
6) Break even point was founded at 170 days for the groups of 200Kg in the short and middle period fattening system. However, Break even point of later groups were not appeared. And economic efficiency, therefore, could be expected by the prolonged fattening period for the later two groups.
7) Net incomes per day for the groups of 200Kg, 250Kg, and 300Kg were 293.13, 327.95, and 521.74 won, respectively. It was, therefore, concluded that higher income was expected from higher starting body weight.
8) Percentages of each items composing production cost were 50.81% of feeders cost, 31.89% of feed cost 8.21% of management cost, 5.47% of interest, 2.63% of depreciation, and 0.99% of losses, respectively. And feeders cost was changed in parallel with the increase of body weight and the reverse were true for the other items.
5) Feed costs for 1Kg gain were, 459.77 for the croups of 200Kg, 488.32 for 250Kg and 494,16 for 300Kg, and total production coats were 711.40 for 200Kg,748.43 for 250Kg and 759.92 well for 300Kg, respectively.
The higher starting body weight the larger production costs were resulted.
10) The higher starting body weight, the lower total costs per Kg beef production was resulted; total costs for production 1 Kg beef were 615.02 for the group of 200Kg, 611.25 for 250Kg, and 584.41 for 300Kg, respectively.
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