러시아어 행위자 파생어의 조어의미구조 연구 = A Study on the Word-Formative Semantic Structure of Agent Derivatives in Russian
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Since the paraphrase sentence is a syntactic semantic structure created as a result of optimizing the conceptualization process of the object at the recognition stage, it can objectively represent the symbolic content of the derivative word, so in this study, we attempted to present productive word-formative meaning through structural types that are repeatedly used to describe the semantic structure of paraphrase sentences.
Through this study, we were able to confirm the following: First, in derivatives with the suffixes -тель, -ник, -щик/-чик, -ист, -ец, -атор, -ор, the most productive syntactic types are P2v(o) and P2(v)o, and structural types of the paraphrase sentence is effectively revealed in R2R2X, and in R2R1X is revealed through the P2(v)o type, synonymous as P2v(o). And this synonymous type appears mainly in actor derivatives with semantic domain of 'employees in various occupations', so in actor derivatives with word-formative meaning of 'actor related to characteristic or one-time behavior', 'actor related to temperament, personality’, etc., the structural types of the paraphrase sentence does not appear.
Second, it was found that the semantic domain common to all agent derivatives with the suffixes -тель, -ник, -щик/-чик, -ист, -ец, -атор, -ор is 'employees of various occupations', and the most productive word formative meaning of derivatives with the suffix R2R2X_ник, -щик/-чик, R2R1X_ец, -атор is 'worker in the social and economic activity field', and the most common structure type used to express this meaning is <<тот, кто занимается чем>>, <<тот, кто изготовляет что>>.
Third, it was found that actor derivatives with the suffixes -тель, R2R2X-ник, -щик/-чик, R2R1X_ец, -атор have the word-formative meaning, 'worker in the social and economic activity field', but there is a slight difference between them. In actor derivatives with the suffix -тель, this word-formative meaning is not concentrated on any specific field, but rather covers a variety of areas, that is, workers in the field of material production, transportation and communications, enterprise, trade, finance etc. And in actor derivatives with the suffixes R2R2X-ник and R2R2X-щик/-чик, it is focused on ‘workers and masters in the production and manufacturing operation field’. In actor derivatives with R2R1X_щик, it is used in the sense of ‘master in the field of production, manufacture, processing’. In actor derivatives with R2R1X_ец, it is used in the sense of a person engaged in the field of agriculture, commerce, and fishing. And in actor derivatives with the suffix -атор, it is used in the sense of a worker in the field of installation and equipment, trade and finance.
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