농협 농산물 연합판매사업의 수익확대 방안 연구 : J농협 연합판매사업 사례를 중심으로 = Study on plans to expand profits of joint sale project for agricultural produces by agricultural cooperatives
전주: 전북대학교 경영대학원, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 전북대학교 경영대학원 경영대학원: 경영학(회계학) 2008. 8
Study on plans to expand profits of joint sale project for agricultural produces by agricultural cooperatives
vii, 70 p: 삽도; 26 cm.
Agriculture of Korea is identified to be in instable status together with the sense of risk to raise the voice that 'Korean agriculture may collapse as there are more negative elements than positive in the course of expanded promotion of free trade agreement'. Recently, talks are being made in terms of the plans of direct damage compensation for agricultural sector and of improvement in production and sales structures of agriculture from government level according to the results of Korea - Chile FTA conclusion and Korea - US FTA promotion. However, there is yet to be clear suggestions to be made in relation to policies to secure competitiveness of Korean agricultural produces in international market or plans to ensure stable sales routes in domestic market.
Also, in accordance with expanded import of agricultural produces, farmers are given less choices of selecting crops. In addition, there are increasing cases in which the price level formed at producing district at harvesting period per agricultural produce is not coming up to the production cost of the agricultural produce. As a result, difficulties are being aggravated in agricultural industry. Furthermore, under the situations in which there is insufficiency of appropriate production and sales plans per crop as well as of production adjustment by government, farmers are left with no choice but to swarm to production of crops that produce high yields.
Under the circumstances, government and farmers are requiring agricultural cooperatives (including National Agricultural Cooperative Federation - NACF) to serve core roles in sale of agricultural produces. Also, central and local governments, the central operating bodies of agricultural policies, are facing the task of having to expand sales routes in consuming regions together with the effort to uplift competitiveness by promptly supplementing weaknesses in sale of agricultural produces at producing districts.
At this, in order to effectively respond to changes in sales environments of agricultural produces, NACF has established the plans to pursue joint sale project for agricultural produces as a new scheme of agricultural produces sales system at producing districts while promoting the project to activate sale of agricultural produces since 2000. Also, NACF has been concentrating on forming the related organization and promoting the project centering on 'si' and 'gun' units since 2002.
The joint sale project for agricultural produces is being promoted with the purpose to uplift market competitiveness of agricultural produces, to ensure competitiveness of agricultural produces, to activate agricultural produces sales project and to expand the prices receivable by farmhouses. Recently, details of the project are being remarkably developed together with expansion of income as well as of the scale of project organization.
However, considering domestic and international environments of agriculture and the cases of instability in prices of agricultural produces, changes in agricultural produces sales system must be continuously promoted. Since the government is giving support to the joint sale project for agricultural produces actively participated and supported by NACF, farmers, farming teams, agricultural cooperatives and local governments must actively promote this project in order for the ultimate goal of joint sales of agricultural produces at producing districts to ensure sales routes of agricultural produces and to increase income of farmhouses by maximizing efficiency in sales of local agricultural produces.
For example, joint sale project for agricultural produces by Agricultural Cooperative J was launched in 2002 under the goal to increase scale of agriculture, to regulate forwarding, to control quality and to uplift prices receivable by farmhouses as well as for joint sale and accounting by organically connecting local agricultural cooperatives and farming teams under the lead by NACF. After only 4 years, the project reached the result of KRW 10 billion in joint sales of agricultural produces. It also drastically increased the prices receivable by farmhouses, therefore developed as an advanced organization.
Development of the joint sale project for agricultural produces by Agricultural Cooperative J as an advanced organization of joint project was the result of active support by NACF through direct participation and active support in terms of fund and human force, etc., together with joint participation by local agricultural cooperatives within the jurisdiction and farmers as the subjects of joint project from the initial phase of project promotion.
In particular, as the major success factor of the joint project team of Agricultural Cooperative J, the project was promoted with enterprise-type administration method and strategies to increase scale of and to differentiate the project. Also, through joint forwarding and accounting by analysis of cost-volume-profit, this project began to produce profits in 2005 by reducing distribution cost and uplifting market negotiation power, therefore achieved the sales figure of KRW 12.7 billion and profit of KRW 600 million by the end of 2006 after continuous growth.
As of the above case, joint sale project for agricultural produces is presumed to be largely contributing to ensuring competitiveness of Korean agricultural produces as it is directly connected to securing competitiveness of local agricultural produces in domestic market and market opening for agricultural produces is expanding. Also, under the system of competition according to market opening, this project will serve a major role in developing agricultural produces sales project.
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