분만중 태아심전수 임관 - I. 적응병군과 비적응병군간의 태아심전수임관에 관한 비교관찰 = Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring -I. Comparative Observations on Elective and Indicated Fetal Heart RAte Monitoring-
Obstetrics & Gynecology Science(Obstetrics & Gynecology Science)
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Although multiple indications for monitoring have evolved and are well accepted, the usefulness of intrapartum fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring for elective purposes is still controversial. In the present study, FHR changes in fetuses with and without indications for monitoring were quantitated and related to fetal outcome in order to investigate the value of FHR monitoring in either group. The study was performed in a retrospective manner and included 534 FHR tracings obtained from patients in labor during the time period of December, 1979 to February, 1982. The patients were divided into two groups: those who had indications for monitoring according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Technical Bulletin from January, 1977 (indicated or nonelective or risk group) and thoses who did not (elective group). The obtained results are as follows:L 1) The elective FHR monitoring group consisted of 198 patients and the indicated group, of 336 patients. Patients with preeclampsia, premature rupture of mambranes and postterm pregnancies comprised the large protion of patients with risk factors. 2) Fetuses with risk factors do not tolerate the stress of labor well. A three-fold thgher perinatal mortality and a 2.5-fold higher number of low 5-minute Apgar scores were observed among patients with risk factors compared to electively monitored pregnancies. 3) Abnormal FHR patterns indicative of low fetal reserve (decreased FHR variability) and hypoxia (late decelerations; severe or atypical variable decelerations) occur more frequently in the risk than in the elective group. 4) Fetuses without risk factors have the same chance of suffering from umbilical cord problems as do fetuses with risk factors. Umbilical cord problems reflected by the occurrence of variable deceleration were responsible for the majority of low Apgar scores observed among electively monitored fetuses. This is a strong argument lfor routine monitoring of every patient in labor. 5) FHR monitoring is a very sensitive and specific method for identification of fetal stress situations. A high incidence of abnormal FHR tracings associated with good fetal outcome requires evaluation of the FHR pattern in the light of response to intrauterine resucitative methods.
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