李陸史 詩에 나타난 想像力의 構造 = A Study on Imaginative Structure of Lee Yuk Sa
金賢子 (이화여자대학교 국어국문학전공)
This thesis is to review and analize the contradictory imagery and transformation shown in the Lee Yuk Sas poems revealing the complete combination between poems and actions in the history of Korean modern poetry. In addition, this is to examine his imagination and cognition integrating the contradiction.
The characteristics of the imaginative structure of his poetry are as follows:
First, in his poetry is can be found that the human world is composed of the three universal human types… that is to say, the narrator 'I', superman, and the oppressed people longing for the freedom. It is centered around the person 'I' not only as a focus of the world but as an agent bridging the superman and the miserable people. The violent and stupendous aspects of human behavior present themselves through these three parts of their role.
Second, the time-sequence of his poetry reveals the framework of attempting the poetic transcendence within the present circumstances. It is possible not by the anticipation toward the future, rising above the earthly life, but by the recognition of the past, the present, and the future as a whole. The awareness of the time arising from the doubt and the denial of the very existence of himself is followed by the search of lost time, the childhood. It is the time that the original union of the Self and the World is restored and that the negative is turned into the positive. Generally, the lost time is put as the doubt the origin of human race, and privately it is represented as that about the heredity and birth of his being. This makes the poet try the symbolic action through his poetry, presenting the flowing substance such as the river or the sea as an emblem of the historical awareness. Sometimes the eternal moments are included in his No-Time transcending the time sequence. In his poetry, Lee Yuk Sa ribs himself of the horror of the closing time toward his inevitable death, showing as the symbol of free existence as an independent being standing upright.
Third, it is made to appear that the contradictions exist between the two spaces in his imaginative world. The one is the positive realm including the universal nature such as the sea, the sky, and the star. The other is the rather exclusive negative one like the desert, the wastes, the cavern, and attic, etc.
Thus, the common factors in lee Yuk Sa's time and space, in characters and their behaviour reveal his method of poetic transcendence through the almost limits of things. And the tension between them is symbolized as the things with strong and unscrupulous power. The essence of his consciousness all through his poetic imageries is the active self-identification by way of tragic resolution.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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