객관주의적 인식론이 기독교학교교육에 미친 영향에 대한 비판적 연구 : “중생”에 대한 이해의 관점에서 = A critical study on the influence of Objectivism epistemology in Christian school -based on understanding “Regeneration”-
양평 : 아세아연합신학대학교 교육대학원, 2018
학위논문(석사)-- 아세아연합신학대학교 교육대학원 : 교육과정 교육과정 2018. 8
103 ; 26 cm
지도교수: 이숙경
A critical on the influence of Objectivism epistemology in Christian school
-based on understanding “Regeneration”-
Kim, Byoung Jae
Master of Education
The Graduate School of Education,
Asia United Theological University
The aim of this study is to suggest alternatives to objectivism epistemology in Christian educational view. Especially, This researcher suggests ‘regeneration’ among the Christian doctrines as an alternative.
Therefore, this researcher studies ‘regeneration’ with the following questions. First, What is objectivism and what are the critical points about objectivism? Second, What is the influence of objectivism epistemology on education? Third, What is regeneration and what is
epistemology based on regeneration? Fourth, how does epistemology based on regeneration restores Christian school education?
This dissertation consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the demands and significance of the study are demonstrated. In chapter Ⅱ, the effects of objectivism epistemology on education are discussed. And the objectivism epistemology is criticized from theories of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Karl R. Popper, Tomas S. Kuhn, and Michael Polanyi. Then in chapter Ⅲ, regeneration that core of Christian educational epistemology is explained with the three following points: surveying regeneration in the frame of salvation, examining the change of humanity’s will through regeneration in books of Jonathan Edwards, and presenting Christian epistemology based on regeneration in the light of Van Til. In chapter Ⅳ, The knowledge in objectivism epistemology is criticized on the basis of the epistemology based on regeneration, focussing on ‘non-independence’, ‘value orientation’, and ‘personality’. Also, This dissertation, on the basis of the epistemology based on regeneration, suggests what should be recovered in Christian school education, and this suggestion categorizes into areas: salvation, class, and practice. Finally, in chapter V, this researcher examines the importance of epistemology based on regeneration as a matter of Christian school education.
Christian school cannot exist without the Truth of Christianity. To say specifically, regeneration is both the idea and practice, encompassing human knowledge, will, and practice. Therefore, In the following, this dissertation demonstrates that Christian school education should take as it is foundation epistemology based on regeneration. It will not only help to teach the proper knowledge in a Christian school but also restore the method of Christian school education and even students’ life. I hope that it is succeeding researches to be more theological, more detailed themes on Christian educational view.
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