영어 청해능력 신장을 위한 학습자중심 멀티미디어 코스웨어 개발 및 적용 = (The)development & its application of learner-centered multimedia courseware for improving the English listening comprehension skill
With the development of multimedia computers, which can offer information in the integrative manner, the effect of multimedia-assisted language learning (MALL) has been studied by many researchers. Several valuable findings have been made through those experimental researches. One of those findings is that courseware has a crucial effect on the success of learning in the language teaching/learning through multimedia computers.
Many kinds of courseware for language teaching/learning have often been used in the classroom, but it has frequently been pointed out that most of courseware do not have sufficient correlation with our curriculum and are not appropriate to our educational reality because they were developed in other countries.
The purposes of this study are to develop learner-centered multimedia courseware (LCMC) for improving the listening comprehension skill of high school students and to find out the effectiveness and implications through analyzing the scores gained as a result of its application to the high school students. For these purposes, the theories on listening comprehension and information processing based on the aspect of short-term memory were investigated. Then, LCMC was designed on the various principles of designing courseware such as macro-strategies and micro-strategies, icons, coloring, and buttons. After its development was completed through the examination of experts related to the subject of English and the practical use by ten students, it was applied to high school students for three months.
The results of this study were as follows:
(1) In the short-term language recall tests, it was shown that the experimental group (EG) got more scores than the control group (CG) did, and the difference between their scores was signigicant in the independent-samples t-test. This means that LCMC facilitated better recall in three (the first, the fourth, and the sixth) of six tests and very slightly better recall in the fifth test.
(2) In the pre-test and post-test of students' listening comprehension skill, it was shown that the EG got more scores in the post-test than they did in the pre-test, and the difference between the two scores was significant in the paired samples t-test. Also, it was shown that the CG got more scores in the post-test than they did in the pre-test, and the difference between the two scores was significant in the paired samples t-test. However, the degree of improvement in the EG was higher than that in the CG. This means that LCMC contributed to the improvement of students' listening comprehension skill.
(3) In the Questionnaire implemented at the end of this study, both the EG and the CG responded positively to the questions on their attitude to listening activity. But the percentage of the positive response in the EG was higher than that in the CG. This means that LCMC helped students be engaged in their listening activity more actively through stimulating students' interest, motivation, and self-confidence.
In summary, it can be said that LCMC had a considerable influence on students' short-term memory, listening comprehension skill, and attitude to their learning. It is generally accepted that multimedia courseware on the basis of a multimedia computer has a great solution for teachers looking to address various learning styles for their students. For the realization of this potential, however, more research should be made subsequently on effective multimedia courseware and its efficient operation in class.
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