영아 음악활동 방법 기초연구 : 만2세를 대상으로 = A Study on the music teaching method : focused on 2-year-old infants
부산 : 신라대학교 교육대학원, 2006
학위논문(석사)-- 신라대학교 교육대학원 : 유아교육전공 2006. 8
132 p. ; 26 cm
지도교수: 김영연
For the last several years, in Korea, due to the social trend of increase in the numbers of dual-earner couples and a social educational atmosphere of entering infants at the child care facilities in an early stage, the numbers of two years old infant who is entering child care center have been increasing. At this moment, a special care for two years old infant is required. For infants who are not free from linguistic communication ability, music is a tool of play as well as for expressing their thinking, feeling, and emotion, like language. Therefore, the goal of this research was to suggest integrated music activity method based on the musical concepts, which could afford to experience music systematically and abundantly, to teachers of infants education field. The following questions are investigated in this study. First, how is the current status of music activity for infants and understanding and request of teachers? Second, what are the suggested teaching methods of the sound concept centered integrated music activity? Questionnaire was conducted on the actual condition of infants music activities and request of field teachers. From the data, it was reported that most of music activity for infants was placed too much emphasis on singing a song and body expression-centered activity, and the activity was focused on offering an opportunity of sensible experience rather than enhancing musical ability as a goal. The most teachers were confident in the activities for development of musical concepts, and they had an affirmative understanding on dynamics, tempo, rhythm, and melody among music concept elements. For the request of teachers for infant music activity, the teacher education for musical activity related education and training and educational contents for the necessity of detailed guide book for music activity showed high portion. Based on the research results in this investigation, the sound concept centered integrated music activity method, which could afford to experience music systematically and abundantly as a play tool of two years old infant, was provided as the result of this investigation. In order to form infant music activity, activity objective and basic direction were established, and development characteristics of infant and musicality development were investigated through the literature review on infant development and music. Finally, the center sound concept was selected by the analysis of infant music activity method. Based on the obtained materials during research, the preliminary activity plan for infant music activity was formed by an integrated method with the balanced activities between music area including singing a song, body expression, listening to music, and investigation and handling of musical instrument and art area including body expression, action, fine arts, literature, etc. The suitability of preliminary activity plan was reviewed by expert of infant music and three field teachers with over two years experience of two years old infant, and the suitability of the activity was revised and supplemented after preliminary operation with sixteen infants of two years old. However, in this investigation, since the focus of this research was to form sound concept centered integrated music activity for two years old, there is limitation on the verification of effectiveness on all the necessary activities suggested by this investigation. The suggestions for the future study are as follows. First, when the infant music activities formed by this investigation were applied to the educational field, the evaluation of field teachers regarding the integration, connection, and easiness of activity as compared with the curriculum, will be needed.Second, an examination tool needs to be developed for measuring musical ability fitting for ages and characteristics of infant growth. The verification research on the enhancement effect of musical ability for infants will be needed after applying infant music activity of this investigation to two years old infants. Lastly, it would be meaningful to form the sound concept centered integrated music activity by the theme of the infants' daily life.
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