資源 「내쇼날리즘」에 관한 硏究 = A Study on Resources Nationalism
朴寅泰 (曉星女子大學校 經商大學 經濟學科)
OPEC's successful offensive on oil prices has led the countries in possession of recources to move toward "Nationalism". The phenomena attracting our special attention resulting from such trend such trend are : nationalization, establishment of joint organization, and an inclination to a claim for a permanenet sovereignty over natural resources, etc.
Looking into the cause of such tendency, we can cite as a direct incentive the success OPEC gained in its oil offensive and the recent competition among rations for acquisition of resources. Other responsible factors are such exterior elements as the improvement of position of developing nations in the international society due to the changes of international politics and economic situation, the relatively-low prices of the primary products as opposed to those by the manufaceturing industry, distrust of the bulky international resources industry in the economy of developing nations, the necessity for dissolution of the dual economic structure, improvement of techniques in resources development and diversification of export markets, etc.
In assessing such trends, we come up with the following in terms of future prospect:
(1) On nationalization: Taking into consideration the current situation of international resources, alignment of developing nations, and the schemes of the communist-bloc countries, we anticipate the nationalization measure will continue to gain strength.
(2) On the establishment of joint organizations: In the light of such elements as uneven distribution of resources in different countries, the fluctuation of prices in demand, possibility of developing alternative energy and the relations among related countries, we expect a certain success in developing Balksite, iron ore, raw wool, and natural rubber. But more peril is expected when the organizations have a better cooperative relationship.
(3) On the claim for permanent sovereignty over natural resources: Though the advanced countries in the West seem to make a certain concession to the tough claim by the resources-possessing countries, the advanced countries are basically not expected to be in the position for cooperation.
Finally, here is the background of the resources strategy. Ever since the 17th century, the West strove for further progress beginning with its accumulation and growth of wealth. Such a high growth had continued about 4 centuries, when in the 1970's, the West felt a shockpartly due to the limited resources and partly due to the increase in the social spending arising from the destruction of natural environment and the growing estrangement felt by workers. One more remarkable aspect is that the underdeveloped countries supplying resources to the Western countries moved toward the policy of economic self-sufficiency in an attempt to minimize the ever-widening economic gap between the East and the West. This has come into light especially since the 1970's. They are trying to find their own way for self progress by refusing the unconditional supply of resources.
Such movement of the third would forces the suspension of the Bretton Woods and GATT systems that have been enforced since the conclusion of World War Ⅱ, further intersifying the competition among the industrially advanced countries.
Consequently, the order of international economy is certainly in a deep chaos. Under the present situation, both the industrialized and the third world countries appear to develop an independent movement toward yet another world order.
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