각종 동물의 한국형 출혈열 병원체 Hantaan virus에 대한 감수성 = Sensitivities of Various Animals to the Etiologic Agent of Korean Hemorrhagic Fever, Hantaan virus
백경자 (고려대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실)
The discovery of Hantaan virus, the etiologic agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) and the serological diagnostic method of KHF have been completed by Lee et al. The serological diagnostic method has been used in making diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Russia, nephropathia epidemaca of Scandinavian countries, epidemic hemorrhagic fever in China, and epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Japan. And those hemorrhagic fevers in above mentioned countries have been reported to be caused by the virus with identical antigen seen in Hantaan virus. Not only that, recently, they also found positive antibodies to Hantaan virus in Greece, India, Alaska, Columbia in South America. These facts lead us to understand that this virus is well distributed all over the world.
The Hantaan virus has been isolated not only from Apodemus agrarius careae in endemic areas, but also from patient's blood in early stage of the disease. But no animal has been reported until now to be sensitive enough to show clinical symptom.
It would be much possible that there are diseases with clinical symptoms similat to that of KHF and other species of rodents are natural reservoir rather than Apodemus mice in areas of the world were no Apodemus agrarius exists.
The following results were obtained after thorough studies were performed about viral growth and formation of immunofluorescent antibodies to Hantaan virus following inoculation of virus to different kinds of wild rodents and experimental animals.
1) As a result of intramuscular inoculation of Hantaan virus to animals of 20 different species, growth of virus was demonstrated in Apodemus agrarius coreae, Apodemus agrarius ninpoensis, and C. callosus.
2) No. clinical symptom was found in all wild rodents and experimental animals following inoculation of the virus.
3) Among 20 kinds of animal inoculated with Hantaan virus only 8 kinds of animal showed antibody reaction. Rabbit, Apodemus agrarius, rat and guinea pig demonstrated high antibody responses.
4) In case of rabbit, the most antibody was found 2 weeks after inoculation of virus, while rat and guinea pig demonstrated the most antibodies than rat and guinea pig and proved to be the ideal animal in producing antiserum against Hantaan virus.
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