四柱의 偏重된 十星이 個人의 스트레스에 미치는 영향
서울 : 京畿大學校 國際文化大學院, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 京畿大學校 國際·文化大學院 : 東洋哲學科 2009. 2
Effects of Inclination in Saju Sipsung on Stress of Individuals
v, 59 p. : 삽도 ; 26cm.
경기대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
Unless we are completely separated from the world, meaning of the phrase human beings are social animals is that human beings must live by creating many social relationships with others. Among such relationships in life, most people end up receiving stress from differences between values and behavior patterns of others. Dale Carnegie, a human management and self development consultant, analyzes mentality and stress shown in human relations in his writing 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living' (Carnegie, 2007) and gives an advice to people that they should be faithful for today and be free from criticism of others.
Based on the results of this study on correlation between Saju and stress, factors that influence an individual in various ways including his actions, moments of choice and social relationships in life show aspects of stress in many forms. Therefore, understanding on the cause of stress is the most fundamental and necessary step that must be taken in order to plan one's life and realize the self ego.
Saju Myeongri converts the Cheonganjiji within Saju to Yin and Yang and the Five Elements with an attempt to estimate the civilization of an individual or social organization through personality analysis and aptitude tests. After such conversion, Saju Myeongri looks into harmony of Yin and Yang and positive and negative relationships between the Five Elements to deduce the destiny of human beings.
This study analyzed the effects of stress on an individual if Sipsung of Saju showed an inclination. Each Sipsung has an individual temperament, and such temperament composes personality of an individual and inflicts a profound influence on mental status of the individual. Focusing on this fact, hypotheses on the relationship between stress and temperaments of Sipsung were formulated and the following results were obtained from the study.
First, inclination in Insung, in which Ilgan is enlivened and put to extreme, is related to inflow of emotions rather than dissolution of accumulated emotion. Inclination in Insung prevents communication of emotion in Ilgan and composes a Singang structure, resulting in a characteristic that is most fragile against stress.
Second, inclination in Bi-gup, a Sipsung that supervises the ego and self respect in Ilsan, shows fragility against stress because of Singang in Ilgan.
Third, inclination in Gwansung that puts Ilgan to the extreme causes mental pressure from excessive works, resulting in weakness against stress following inclinations in Insung and Bi-gup.
Fourth, inclination in Siksang, a Sipsung that works as a passage for emotions with active enlivening of Ilgan, was strong against stress.
Fifth, inclined Jaesung allowed individuals to cope well with stress situations because Jaesung is related to communication and dissolution of emotions.
As a result of this study, Insung that supervises inflow of energy was relatively weaker than Siksang and Jaesung that supervise emission of energy. In addition, Bi-gup was found to be weak against stress because energy tends to be collected on the inside of human beings with weak circulation of emotions. In terms of strength order of sensitivity to stress, inclination in Insung was strongest, followed by Bi-gup and Gwansung. Inclination in Siksang was fourth in the order because Siksang is strong against stress because of smooth circulation of emotions through emission of energy. Inclination in Jaesung that erupted and expresses the energy and emotions at once with extreme Ilgan was strongest in stress situations.
Therefore, individuals with inclined Insung and Bi-gup in Saju Sipsung can be analyzed to be mentally weak against stress, and results of this study can be useful for prediction and prevention of stress using Saju through personality and aptitude tests.
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