역할극을 이용한 성인 학습자의 영어듣기 = (A) Study on the Effects of Role-playing on the Development of the Listening Comprehension Ability : Focused on Adult Students
서울 : 국민대학교 교육대학원, 2006
학위논문(석사)-- 국민대학교 교육대학원 : 영어교육전공 2006. 8
740.7 판사항(4)
420.7 판사항(21)
ⅲ, 57p. : 삽도 ; 26cm
참고문헌: p. 47-49
The purpose of this study aims at examining the effect of role-playing on adult students' listening abilities and their affective domain. For this purpose, this thesis conducted an observational case study for five weeks. The subject of this study were five adults who had the different level of English listening comprehension. A pre- and post-test of English Listening ability and affective aspects were conducted with the performance of each class. To investigate the affective change more closely, students were given questionnaires after the instruction and were interviewed about a change of attitude toward learning English.
The experimental group is required to accomplish the task given by role-playing lessons, of which students reconstruct a situation, story and practice. I hypothesize that the experimental group is advanced with regard to the English listening ability as well as affective domain (interest, self-confidence and participation). Data was collected through a teacher's observation, six cloze tests, and pre/post evaluations.
The results of the study are as follows:
First, the students with role-playing based teaching improved their listening abilities. This implies that the instruction through role-playing is effective in improving the students' listening ability.
Second, the experimental class showed more meaningful improvement in the affective aspects such as interest, self-confidence and participation. This means that the instruction enables the students to experience meaningful learning activities and provides opportunities to make themselves understood in English physically and mentally.
In conclusion, the role-playing lessons played a positive role in the domains such as interest, participation and self-confidence, but also improved listening ability. Thus, the researcher recommends that teachers had better motivate the role-playing learning in a school setting and also suggests that further research are needed in developing teaching materials.
In order to apply such role-playing lessons, we need to take into account the followings.
First, to use role-playing techniques in the classroom, teachers should spend more time to prepare such lesson, and their effort and interest about role-playing techniques should be required. And, teachers also consider all students take part in role-playing.
Second, more activities about role-playing techniques should be included in the English textbooks so that teachers could use them easily in class.
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