인문 · 사회과학편 : - 도산(島山) 안창호(安昌浩)의 체육사상(體育思想)과 업적(業績) - = A Study on the Do San Ahn, Chang - Ho's Physical Education Thought & Contribution
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The wave of moderniation began to be risen In whole field of society with the Dong-Hak Revolution, raised in. 1894 by populace against deep-rooted violence of influenced persona under the feudal age, such as abuse of clams discrimination system and inveterate bad custom at the end of the Yi Dynasty, and Kab-O Reformation, later made. But in 1910, our nation became to meet the cobnial period for 36 years.In the whirlpool of this circumstances, Dosan broke from the premodern thoughts to have the demoratic modern thought. He made every endeavours after independance of our nation, and he was a great philosopher and educationist.The ultimate goal of his thought was to make our people modernized and have scientific life system, reasonable realitic altitude with renovation of unscientific life attitude. On the basis of this thought, he thought that the goal of Education was a self-renovation of individuality in order to accomplish the great task of our nation.Dosan said that it is the short way to accomplishment of goal for our people to to strengthen the Power of out whole people and have sound character,We know that he also had a progressible democratic thought from a standpoint of Physical Education.The abstract of Dosan`s through of Physical Education is as follows:1. The thoughts of Virtue, Physique, Intellegence: He emphasized the importance of Physical Education breaking out the past confusian ideas of Intellegence, Virtue, Physique.That is, he emphasized Virtue, Physique more than Intellegence because human Intellegence without Virtue was apt to misuse, and the Intellegence of those who are not healthy was apt to be the cause of complaint, discontent.2. The philosophy of power: Dosan emphasized that our people must strengthen his power in order to accomplish modernization and independence of nation, and above all, physical strength was priority.3. The Idea of Recreation which was the opening of modern recreation: This idea was on the basis of the Idea of Mu-Sil-Euk-Hang, and its goal is develope sociality of people and to reconstruct our nation.4. Advanced Sanitory Thought: He stated from the viewpoint of preventive medicine the importance of individual and public sanitation and scientific, sanitary life attitude.From the above statements, We can learn that Dosan`s general thought of Physical Education was expression of his anti-Japanese Patriotism and loving our people and it was based on the formation of our people`s whole personality for the sake of accomplishment of independence of our fatherland.It is more significant that he tried to put this thought into practice and enlight people for the sake of better future.For example, with the Movement of Hung-Sa-Dan he cultivated the qualification of moderm civilian through systemic and positive physical activity and education.And he planned to train sanitary life attitude and social life through recreation with the construction of Ideal Jown.He extablished the Dae-Sung School Where he practiced systemic, strong physical activity in order to make our people robust for the purpose of cultivation of leader of our nation.Above mentioned, from the viewpoint of Physical Education, Dosan contributed greatly to development of Physical Education as a theorist and activist of modern Physical Education.So we must value him highly as a pioneer in the thought of modern Physical Education.
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