Northwest pacific heat balance analysed using In-situ, model and satellite data
London : University College London, 1998
Thesis (doctoral)-- University College, London : Space and Climate Physics 1998
551.5 판사항(20)
310 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Heat balance within an ocean mixed layer is important since it describes whether ocean-atmosphere and ocean-climate interactions occur locally or remotely. In paticular, a knowledge of heat balance will improve our understanding of the causes of variations in sea surface temperature and air-sea heat exchange. In this study, the heat balance mechanism is analysed on a seasonal scale. The study region is the Northwest Pacific where the role of the strong Kuroshio Extension geostrophic current on the heat balance has not been quantified previously. A combination of in-situ, model, and satellite data is used for the period October 1992 to September 1995.
Components of the heat balance are determined as follows. The horizontal geostrophic heat advection is obtained using current velocities from satellite altimetry and a Gaussian jet model. The errors in the monthly and spatial mean values of the zonal and meridional geostrophic heat advection reach respectively 150 % (46 W m^(-2)) and 300 % (61 W m^(-2)) of the signal. Although these errors are substantial, such evaluations of the signal and error level have not been achieved before. A validation of the velocity from the jet model is performed for the first time in the Northwest Pacific. The r.m.s. error is 17 cm s^(-1) or 46 % of the signal. The entrainment heat advection is estimated rigorously on a climatological monthly scale. This term is neglected in the heat budget since its maximum magnitude of 30 W m^(-2) is at least a factor of three smaller than those of the other balance terms. The heat storage rate is computed using mixed layer temperatures from satellite infrared imagery and mixed layer depths from subsurface temperature records. The horizontal Ekman heat advection is derived using ECMWF model wind speeds.
The seasonal heat advection by the Kuroshio Extension is insignificant in the basin-scale heat balance. It is less than 10 % of the heat storage rate. The horizontal Ekman heat advection is also observed to be insignificant. It is concluded that the heat balance is achieved locally.
Monthly net surface heat fluxes are derived from the sum of the heat balance terms. Errors in these fluxes are estimated thoroughly. First, systematic and random errors in the basic fields are determined by validation. Then formulae are given and used on how these errors propagate into the flux error through mathematical operations such as product or spatial and temporal average. A value of 30 W m^(-2) is obtained for the error in the three-year mean net surface heat flux over the basin. This is smaller in percentage terms than that achieved by the best bulk-formulae method. However, this error still exceeds lOW m^(-2) required by climate studies. Horizontal heat advection (Ekman plus geostrophic) contributes 21 W m^(-2) to the error in the three-year mean net surface heat flux.
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