집단미술치료가 정신지체학생의 사회성숙도에 미치는 효과 = (The) Effects of Group Art Therapy on Mentally Retarded Students' Social Maturity
서산 : 한서대학교 교육대학원, 2005
학위논문(석사)-- 한서대학교 교육대학원: 교육학과 상담심리교육 전공 2005. 2
379 판사항(4)
ⅲ, 57p. ; 26cm.
부록 : 1. 집단미술치료프로그램 교수·학습 지도안, 2. 사회성숙도 검사 수록
참고문헌: p. 42-45
The purpose of this study was to design a group art therapy program considering properties of mentally retarded students who fail to adapt themselves to school or society due to a lack of sociality and determine how this program affects their development of sociality in order to allow them to make social development.
For this purpose, the following questions were set:
First, how does a group art therapy program affect mentally retarded children's social maturity?
Selected for this study were eight fifth-graders (5 boys and 3 girls) from a class in the researcher's charge at a special school for the mentally retarded in Chungnam.
A total of 16 sessions of the group art therapy program were provided for about four months between April 19 and September 25, 2004, exclusive of vacation, for about 80 minutes of third- and fourth instructional times for extracurricular activities and homeroom teachers' optional activities once a week on Fridays.
This is a design of pretest and post-test for a single group, with an independent variable as the group art therapy program and a dependent variable as estimation of social development of mentally retarded children; children in the experimental group are provided with the group art therapy program and then a comparison is made between the results of pretest and post-test. As for social development, a comparative analysis was made between pretest and post-test of social maturity with 117 questions in six areas: self-reliance, movement, operation, communication, self-control, and socialization. SPSS/PC Win 11.0, the statistical program for social science, was used for the reliability test to estimate Cronbach α; t-test (paired-samples t-test) was carried out to determine a difference in the average between pretest and post-test for the experimental group.
The behavioral changes during the process of the program activities were personally recorded by sessions and stages in an accumulative way; the results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: The group art therapy program was partially verified in terms of effectiveness. There was significant improvement after participation in the program in such areas as putting on and taking off clothes, washing, operation, and socialization. However, there was no significant effect on the general area, eating, movement, communication, or self-control.
The group art therapy program designed and applied in this study failed to be generalized to students with other retardation; however, this study is worth providing a model of social development for mentally retarded children and implies important educational significance and suggestions for generalization in practicing special education.
A thesis submitted to Committee of the Graduate School of Hanseo University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master Education in December, 2004
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