백내장의 유병율과 인지도에 관한 조사 = Investigation of Prevalence and Awareness of Cataract
한선희 ; 김봉환 ; 정병근 ; 견기영 ; 이상경 ; 최진훈 ; 박준성 ; Han, Sun-Hee ; Kim, Bong-Hwan ; Kim, Byung-Gun ; Kyeon, Ki-Young ; Lee, Sang-Gyeong ; Choi, Jin-Hun ; Park, Jun-Sung
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the trends of cataract surgery and the recognition of cataract. Methods: ; It enrolled a total of 150 respondents, comprising 72 men and 78 women, who reside in Busan Metropolitan City, Ulsan Metropolitan City and Kyeong-nam Province. By the age groups, they include 44 people in their 20s, 24 in their 30s, 24 in their 40s, 26 in their 50s and 32 aged 60 years or older. In addition, the current study was conducted by dividing the respondents into two groups: people with cataract or not. Moreover, it was also conducted mainly for younger people. Results: 1. As for age of cataract operation, this study say that 1 patient was in their 20s, 3 patients in their 30s, 3 patients in their 40s, 6 patients in their 50s, and 7 patients in their over 60s. 2. In the question about whether they know about cataract, 100 respondents answered 'I know', 50 answered 'I do not know', 67% answered 'I know', 33% answered 'I do not know'. 3. As for pathways to know about cataract, of the total 120 respondents, 49 (41%) were in the media, 20 (17%) were Internet users, 26 (22%) were acquaintances, and 10 (7%) were specialty books, and 15 (13%) were 'others'. 4. As for cataract causes, 20 respondents (13%) answered 'exposure to sunlight', 12 (8%) answered 'electronic devices', 7 answered 'hereditary' 89 (60%) answered, and 22 (14%) answered 'eye disease'. 5. Twenty (13%) answered 'extremely yes', 40 (27%) answered 'yes', and 31 (21%) answered 'normal' when asked whether the use of smartphone was affected by cataracts. 48 (32%) answered 'little', and 11 (7%) answered 'not at all'. Our results showed that many people aged 50 years or older developed cataract and received surgery. It was also shown, however, that people in their 20s to 40s also developed cataract and received surgery. Conclusions: Our eyes are exposed to many places. Many people are unaware of cataracts, despite the fact that cataracts are gradually getting younger, due to the development of electronic devices and the use of electrical appliances. We should have interest in many information and contents about cataracts, knowing the importance to eyes, and gradually reducing the use of many electronic devices in young people.
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