宋尤庵의 哲學思想硏究 : 直을 中心으로 = A Study on the philosophical thought of Song, U-Am
郭信煥 (國際大學 人文社會科學硏究所)
This is the paper on the philosophical thought of Song, U-am(1607∼1689) Neo-Confucianist, who is a admirer of Po-eun(圃隱), Jeong-am(靜庵), Toegye(退溪), Yul-gok(栗谷), and the origin of Eui-Ri(義理) thoughts of Hwa-seo(華西), Eui-am(毅庵), Meon-am((勉庵), and the only one conferred the tile of sage Songcius(宋子).
He regarded Chu-tzu as the orthodox school of Sages' Teaching and Yul-gok as that of Chu-tzu's doctrine. Such a point of view, he began to study with Yul-gok and Chu-tzu in order to learn Confucius and Mencius.
U-am thought that Chih(直, rectitude, uprightness, straight forward) is the kernel of Sages teching. Confucius said; Man is born for uprightness, if a man lose his uprightness and yet live, his escape from death is the effect of mere good fortune. Mencius said; If the passion-nature(浩然之氣) were nourished by rectitude, and sustaining no in jury, it fills up all between heaven and earth.
Chih-Tao(直道, the way of Chih) is, U-am thinks, to realize what Heaven has conferred on man, The Nature(性), and to harmonize survivalneed which rooted in the earth with trans-survival need which rooted in the heaven. It's concrete content is to purify us, as it were, to leave the good or to live only accordance with heaven law, and to cast out our physical need or avarice. This definition of Chih-Tao reminds us of platonic Katharsis. The content of U-am's learning is also such a purification(알인욕존천리)
U-am also insisted that one should always stay at the place of no shame or blush, and such a life not only brings forth greatest delight on earth, but makes himself a greatman who rectified himself and others are rectified(正己而物正)
The Project-Chastising-Ching of king Hyo Jong and U-am is to realize the idea of Confucius' "just-recompense"(以直報怨), not express lust for conquest. Rather it is the subjective resistance against the Ching's opprobrious opperssion. Undertaking this project, U-am aimed to recover our national identity and lost-human nature.
U-am's philosophy which successed the traditional Neo-Confucianism of Yi dynasty formed the advanced more profoundly and practically. It seems to represent many suggestions for us to take in order to solve the problems of our times, human-aliennation, new-typical barbarity, degradation of morality etc.
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