농산물 생산자의 정치적 시장지배력 분석 : 쌀소득보전직불제를 중심으로 = Analysis on Political Market Power of Agricultural Producers : Focused on Direct Rice Income Compensation Program
진주 : 경상대학교 대학원, 2010
학위논문(석사)-- 경상대학교 대학원 : 농업경제학과 농업경제 2010. 8
56 p. ; 26 cm
지도교수: 김병택
In Korea where rice has been planted as major food and cash crop, around a half of farming families plant rice. This indicates that rice plantation takes a large proportion of income of farming families. Rice as a main source of income for farmers has been top public agenda for political and social debates. Against this backdrop, the government has focused its energy on protecting the rice industry through political programs such as subsidies and the government's rice purchase program.
As a result of the 1994 Uruguay Round Agreement for Agriculture, the market for all agricultural produce was fully opened with tariffication. However, in the case of rice, tariffication was delayed for ten years. In renegotiations on rice in 2004, tariffication on rice was, again, delayed for ten year. However, when the grace period is over, tariffication will be put in place. In this desperate situation, the government introduced the direct rice income compensation program in 2005 as a solution for issues relating rice. Its purpose was to discard the government's purchase program, to make rice prices decided in the market, and to directly compensate for farmers' income.
This study intended to approach the direct rice income compensation program currently in force from a political and economic perspective. Its main topic for debate is that rice producers, the main stakeholder for the direct rice income compensation program, exercise their political influence through lobbying to reflect their interest in political decision making and policy makers make policy decision based on rice producers' demands.
If rice producers' wellbeing is increased through such political process, that increase can be understood as an achievement from their political market power. Based on this perception, this research reflected such connection and analyzed the political weights of rice producers placed by policy makers under the direct rice income compensation program and the political market power of rice producers from 2005 to 2008.
The political market power of Korean rice producers was calculated to be from minimum 0.027 to maximum 0.093, which is smaller than 0.1 indicating that their political market power is very weak. Regarding political weights, the weight when fixed and variable income compensations were made at the same time were larger than the weight when only variable income compensation was made. Political weights by year posted minimum 0.089 to maximum 0.373, indicating that the rice producers' group does not represent a monopoly or oligopoly.
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