일본 전통 료칸ㆍ오카미의 현대적 모색과 도전
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본 연구에서는 1930년대 중반 조선방송협회의 전국 중계의 구체적인 내용을 살펴 보 고 이를 분석함으로써 제국의 전파 네트워크 속에서 식민지의 자기 표상이 어떻게 이 루어지고 있었는지를 살폈다. 본고의 분석에 따르면 조선방송협회의 전국 중계방송은 크게 두 가지 측면에서 그 문화정치적 함의를 가지고 있었다. 우선 뉴스와 강연 프로그 램에서 주로 나타나는바 대륙 침략을 위한 병참 기지로 그 중요성이 증대되고 있었던 조선의 지정학적・군사적 중요성에 대한 강조 속에서 심상지리적 차원에서 이루어지는 조선의 자기 표상의 측면을 들 수 있다. 두번째로 연예오락 프로그램에서 나타나는바 제국의 시선을 통한 식민지 문화예술의 오리엔탈리즘적 호출이라는 측면이다.
더보기This study examines how ryokans and okamis, which have been known as the preserver of the ‘traditional’ image of Japan at its best, have coped with the rapidly changing environment surrounding tourism since the collapse of bubble economy in the 1990s. One example is ‘Gagaya’(加賀屋), a ryokan that has maintained highest credibility in the industry for over 30 years, which continues to adhere to the long-lasting policies of putting the guests’ satisfactions as the top priority. At the same time, most of successful ryokans today, under highly competitive environment, are also diligent in their efforts to respond flexibly to the varying needs of the ever-diversified guests. Faced with changes such as the decrease in the number and size of group tours, the increase in the number of single women, and the growing popularity of overseas travels, individual ryokans attempt to specialize in their own ways to provide the most suitable environments for their guests without compromising the people’s wishes to stay at a traditional Japanesestyle accommodation. Each ryokan has its features; while some provide small-sized personal villa, others offer lodging with pets; some are equipped with barrier-free or universal designs, and others captivate their guests with unique services in their food and room environments; some attempt to differentiate themselves through special events and unique decorations. Traditionally, ryokans had been operated by Okamis, a line of succession from mothers to their daughters. But now it has been realized that this tradition and the related practice of operations themselves were the reasons why many ryokan have fallen into the management crises. ‘Okamijuku’(女将塾) was founded in order to break from such tradition and educate the potential Okamis, whom they consider to be the ultimate occupation for progressive women, and Okamijuku is considered to be a meaningful attempt to train for a ‘suitable occupation’ for any progressive woman. One Okami, Yamane Dae, utilized her ryokan as spacial and economic bases for the surrounding community and salvaged not only the ryokan itself but also the economically declining community. Her effort is considered to be a noteworthy attempt that pioneered a new area of ryokan operation, going beyond both the image of traditional Japanese women and the conventional okami-figures.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한3년
(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한2년
이상(개인정보보호위원회 : 개인정보의 안전성 확보조치 기준)개인정보파일의 명칭 | 운영근거 / 처리목적 | 개인정보파일에 기록되는 개인정보의 항목 | 보유기간 | |
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KERIS 개인정보 보호담당자 | 개인정보보호부 이상엽 | |
RISS 개인정보 보호책임자 | 대학학술본부 장금연 | - 이메일 : giltizen@keris.or.kr - 전화번호 : 053-714-0149 - 팩스번호 : 053-714-0194 |
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