비정부기구(NGO)의 탈북자 지원 경험 분석 및 개선 방향 = New approaches for non-governmental organization(NGO)'s support for North Korean defectors
Objectives: Since 1994, the number of North Korean defectors, escaping North Korea and entering South Korea, has increased rapidly.As the number of defectors has increased the role of non-governmental organizations(NGOs) in assisting the defectors' adaptation to their new society has become more important.To increase the successfulness and effectiveness of NGO activities, their experiences were surveyed and analyzed.
Methods: Representatives or acting staffs of 11 NGOs presently supporting North Korean defectors' adaptation to South Korean society were interviewed by researchers between June 21 and October 14, 2000.And one focus group discussion meeting with 26 NGO personnel from 13 NGOs was held on November 4, 2000.
Results: As for their stated purpose of activity; to help defectors become good citizens (7), to transform defectors into mediate personnel between North and South Korea (5), to protect the human rights of the North Korean people (3), and th advocate their religions (3).Out of the 11 organizations, only 5 had their own educational program for volunteers.The contents of the NGO's support for volunteers were as follows; counseling (7), introduction of employment and job education (6), direct financial support (5), creation of one-to-one relationships (4), assistance for their religious life (2), assistance with English study and mathematics (1), and medical service (1).NGOs listed the following difficulties; financial (7), human relationship with defectors (6), lack of volunteers and management of them (4), problems in the relationship with the South Korean government (3).NGOs stated a need for close cooperation with other NGOs, involving the activation of NGOs Association (5), and co-operative joint actions (4).Conclusion: Firstly, NGOs need to specialize in their field of activity.Their lack of specialized areas and of ability is the man obstacles to NGOs intercooperation and a major impediment on their effective operation.Secondly, NGOs should be careful in their direct financial support to defectors, because such a form of support has many serious governmental cooperation.The government also needs to have a more open mind in its dealings with NGOs.Fourthly, NGOs should cooperate, especially in areas of joint concern such as volunteer education program.Fifthly, NGOs should pay attention to their volunteers' personnel management and development.Sixthly, NGOs need to increase the degree of activeness with which defectors seek support from NGOs.Usually, it is the NGOs, which play an active role in the support process, so that defectors become passive and dependent leading to many problems.
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