후두암 환자에 대한 치료성적과 예후인자 = Treatment Results and Prognostic Factors in Laryngeal Cancer Patient
송달원(Dal Won Song) ; 여창기(Chang Ki Yeo) ; 송인혁(In Hyuk Song) ; 남영진(Young Jin Nam) ; 이준엽(Jun Yeop Lee) ; 구민본(Min Bon Koo) ; 남성일(Sung Il Nam) ; 안병훈(Byung Hoon Ahn)
Background and Objectives :The prevalence rate of laryngeal cancer, the cancer known as good prognosis in comparison to other malignancy, accounts for 1% of all malignancy in Korea(Korea Central Cancer Registry, 2002). The purpose of this study is to review the treatment experiences of our hospital and find prognostic fac-tors in laryngeal cancer patients.
Materials and Method :A retrospective study was conducted on 244 laryngeal cancer patients between January 1987 through December 2003. Age, sex, TNM stage, 5 year survival rate, prognostic factors were analyzed.
Results :The overall 5 year survival rate was 57.8%. The 5 year survival rate according to primary site and treatment method showed supraglottis 49.5%, glottis 79.2%, transglottis 28.2% and surgery only 71.4%, radio-therapy only 58.1%, post operative radiotherapy 47.2%, salvage operation 52.0%. There was no statistically significant difference among the results obtained by 4 different methods of treatment. but in supraglottis, surgery only has good 5 year survival rate(75.8%) compare to radiotherapy only(38.3%), postoperative radiotherapy (20.0%), salvage operation(43.7%) and there was statistically significant difference. The 5 year survival rate according to clinical stage and T status showed 84.1%, 37.2%, in stage I & II, III & IV respectively, 72.9%, 37.5% in stage T1 & T2, T3 & T4 respectively. The 5 year survival rate according to nodal status showed N(-)77.1%, N(+)35.6%.
Conclusion :Those patient with early T stage, early clinical stage, glottic cancer, negative neck node and surgery only patient in supraglottis showed good treatment results in univariate analysis. The clinical stage and primary site of laryngeal cancer were found to be significant prognostic factors in laryngeal cancer patients in multivariate analysis.
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