MSTB 훈련 프로그램이 精神遲滯兒의 運動技能 向上에 미치는 效果 = A Study on the Effects of the MSTB Training Program on the Advancement of Mentally Retarded Student's Physical Movement Skills
1. The Purpose of this study
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of MSTB Training program on the advancement of physical movement skills of mentally retarded children.
In onder to realize the above purpose, the specfic aims of this study were follows;
The 1st of aim was to identify the effectiveness of the MSTB Training program to advance the finger and whole body movement skills of mentally retarded children.
The 2nd of aim was to compare the training effects by means of each sub-functional categories of MSTB Training program.
and, The 3rd of aim was to compare the training effects from a child of dow's syndrome.
2. The Process of this study
1) Object of this study
The object of this study were 4 mentally trainable retarded children (comparative object;1, experimental object;3) from junior group in the Haengbok sanatorium (Kwang-ju Hak-un elementary school).
2) Data gatheining and analysis
a. The data was gatherd from during 5 months training record of each child.
b. Data process is to analyze the developmental situation of movement skills of the fingers and whole body by MSTB profile and examined diagram and to compare it according to the children and conduct skills into estimated point(%), filling the accomplishment rate of the before and after training into 5 categories by means of MSTB estimated diagram.
3. The Results of this study
The first, as a result of appling training program for 5 months, there was a significant advancement, 25% in the cohisive power of between eyes and hand at the part of movement of fingers but, on the other hand, a low accomplishment rate 10% in the sence of equilibrium part.
The Second, the effects caused by training according to the functional categories of the movement training program show big differentiation among cohisive power, muscular strength and quickness of eyes and hand depending on retarded degree, and illuminate that the movement of fingers is more effective than that of whole body appling MSTB training program.
The Third, it is shown that the average increasing rates are 25% in the cohisive power, 20% in the muscular strength and quickness, 12% in the movement of vision to be led and 10% in the flexibility and equilibrium of between eyes and hand in order, appling the training program.
4. Conclusion
Previously, our situation requires an established supporting system to improve mentally retarded children's physical function developing and appling through long-term training rather than stort-term one so as to get desire of recuperation and self-supporting spirit.
Then, as a result of the improvement of physical movement skills, it urgently requires the instructor should develop a stepped-up program as a methode of basic course of study to be connected with improvement of the adaptability learning the skills of lining, writing and simple drawing.
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