영유아부모의 아동학대와 대처 방안인식에 관한 연구 = A Study for Perceptions and Copying Strategies among PreschoolParents
The study purpose is to offer a preliminary data necessary inthe development of a program for social welfare practice relatedto the awareness of child abuse and intervention by earlydetection, as well as establishment of a child protection serviceprogram. The results of this study is as follows. First, observingthe difference in awareness of child abuse according to generalfeature, there was a significant difference in awareness of childabuse due to presence of a spouse, final education level,occupation and monthly income of households, whereas nodifference was found for gender and age, religion, number ofchildren, person in charge of discipline. As for the awarenessaccording to types of abuse, the order appeared to be sexualabuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Second,observing the difference in discovery of maltreated children andcountermeasure according to the awareness of child abuse, thedifference according to witnessing maltreated child, encounter of achild with the possibility of being abused, institution to supportmaltreated children. Third, observing the difference incountermeasure for prevention of child abuse and promotion ofawareness according to the awareness of child abuse, both highawareness group and low awareness group showed highest resultin 'there was no opportunity' for the reason of absence inprevention education or seminar against child abuse, while 'therewere opportunities. According to the above study result, althoughawareness of the seriousness in child abuse was high, parents'experience in discovery of maltreated child was relatively low.This may be seen as the result of lack of criterion or standardfor abuse and proper information. Therefore, criterion andstandard for child abuse must be well prepared for thedevelopment of awareness and countermeasure program for theparents that allows for an easy comprehension and application.
더보기본 연구는 아동학대가 가장 많이 발생하는 가정의 주 양육자인 영유아부모에 대한 아동학대와 대처방안에 관한 인식을 조사 분석하여 아동학대인식및 대처방안에 관한 사회적 체계확대를 위한 기초자료를 마련하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반적 특성에 따른 아동학대의 인식의 차이는 배우자 유무와 최종학력, 직업, 가구 월 소득에 따른 아동학대 인식의 차이는 유의미 하였으나, 성별과 연령, 종교, 자녀수, 훈육 담당자에 따른 차이는 없었다. 둘째, 아동학대 인식에 따른 학대아동 발견 및 대처방안의 차이는 아동학대 신고 전화번호 인지의에 대해서만 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, 아동학대 인식 수준에 따름 아동학대 예방 및 인식증진 방안 차이는 부모교육 불참이유와 아동학대 교육 및 세미나 참여이유만 유의미하게나타났다.
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