한국어 고급교재에 반영된 한국인의 가치체계
순천 : 순천대학교교육대학원, 2015
학위논문(석사)-- 순천대학교교육대학원 교육대학원 : 국어교육전공 2015. 8
710.13 판사항(5)
92p.; 26cm
순천대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
참고문헌 : p.
This research started from the need to know the value system which is the base of the Koreans' culture in order to improve the ability of communication between the cultures of the Korean language learners. Since in the education of the Korean language, people pose a problem that, despite their competence of the Korean language, the ignorance of the Koreans' value system makes them fail to understand the Korean's behavior and attitude, thus finding it hard to communicate effectively. This research aims to analyze the content of the Korean language textbooks so as to find a way to have the real communication between cultures by checking out the value system of the Koreans.
The second chapter dealt with culture education and value system. As communication is influenced by culture, we should know the culture so as to have the true communication. As culture has close relation with communication, there is a widespread feeling that cultural education is necessary to improve communication ability in the education of Korean as well. The education of the Korean language means a meeting of cultures between learners' culture and Korean culture. So improving the ability of communication between cultures is an important aim of the education of the Korean language.
Value is a desirable belief underlying culture, which have an effect on a group's way of behavior, attitude, and living. So value system can be said to be the embodiment and organization of the values, and it reflects the culture of group members and internalize their conscience, showing the direction of their thought, world view, and identity. Consequently, to understand the Koreans well, we should know the value system underlying their behavior or attitude, which enables them to communicate effectively.
In order to know the Koreans' value system, I used the cultural classification Hofstede and Hall made in terms of comparative analysis of the difference between cultures. Collectivism, authoritarianism, male-oriented culture, uncertainty avoidance culture, high context culture, and confucian dynamism were presented as Koreans' value system.
The third chapter was analyzed focusing on the textbook for high level course of learners according to value criterion of above-mentioned Koreans' value system and detail category.
The result of text analysis showed that collectivism formed the highest percent, while male-oriented culture the lowest. Collectivism seems to have occupied so many percent, just because it is both the most important value to comprize Koreans' value system and big frame to explain the Koreans. On the contrary, male-oriented culture accounts for little percent, because Korean society is changing more and more into gender equality culture. That is taken as an example of value shift focusing on the change of sex role between male and female. The percent of detail category of Koreans' value system shows the order of familism, value shift> sentimentalism, sequence culture, the best-oriented culture> we-consciousness, 'hurry-hurry' culture> leaning to one side, high-context culture> fate's orientation> honor culture, male-oriented culture.
This research has a significance in that, through the examination of the characteristics of Koreans' value system, it analyzed the Koreans' value system in the textbook for advanced learners and apprehended the reality of its reflection. I expect that from now, based on this study, there will arise a lively argument as to how to educate value system in the textbook of the Korean language.
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