대도시 청소년 체격의 발육발달과 표준체중에 관한 연구 = A study on the change of Physique and standard body weight in adolescense
The Purpose of this study is to analyzing the developing process of physique during the 12 years regression equation standard body weight according to the age and body height and also we analyzed the distribution status of normal body weight and obesity weight in 17-year old high school students.
A total of 1,423 samples(male:723, female: 701, born between March 1, 1977∼February 28, 1978) and the students who were randomly selected in big city of north of Jeola province, The result of our analysis are as follows:
1.Measurement of Physique
①The steady growth showen 14 year of male and 12-year of female in body height, 14-year of male and 13-year of female In body weight, 15-year of male and 13-year of female In chest-girth, since then the growth and development linear curve is more showness.
②During the 12year of school age, the rate of growth were 55.12cm(47.4%) of male 44.80cm(38.9%) of female in body height 43.59(214.5%) of male, 35.20kg(180.8%) female in body weight and 3.83cm (55.48%) of male, 28.11cm(50.70%) of female in chest girth.
③The age of maximum rapids growth were 12∼13 years old(7.36 ± 2.52cm) of male 10∼ 11years old (6.81± 1.88cm) of female In body height, 12∼13years old(6.14±3.37kg) of male, 11∼12 years old(5.49±2.67kg) in body weight and the chest-girth were 13∼14years old(4.34± 3.20cm) in male, 11∼12 years old(5.01 ± 3.80cm) in female.
④The age of cross over between male and female were 9.7∼ 11.7 years old in body height, 11.5∼ 13.5 years old in chest-girth and there is on cross over in body weight.
⑤The body height of 17-year old was 171.68∼5.56cm in mate and 159.92±4.85cm in female, body weight was 63.91±8.89kg in male and 54.67±6.74kg in female and the chest-girth was 89.20±5.94cm in male 83.55 ± 5.27cm in female.
⑥Physical growth and development was more remarkable improvement than 1980' Physique especially the age of adolescence.
2.Standard body weight by regression equation
①Correlation coefficient of r=0.469-0.760 between body height and body weight in male and r=0.347-0.793 in female.
②Regression equation of standard body weight were found in 17-year old and the equation were y =0.749X+64.791 in male, y=0.484X+22.800 in female.
③The distribution of normal body weight were 63.1% in male and 76.2% in female, over weight were 10.4% in male and 9.3% in female and the obesity weight were 6.9% in male and 3.4% in female.
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