體格, 體脂肪에 關한 比較 調査 硏究 : 서울과 日本 都市地域을 中心으로 = A Study on the Physique, Fat Weght of the Seoul and Japan Urban Area
A. Physical Growth and Development.
The maximum annual growth rates were as follow:
1. Body Height: 6.43㎝ during the age 13-14 for Seoul boys, 7.92㎝ during the age 10-11 for Japan urban area boys.
The indicates that Japan urban area boys enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than Seoul boys of the Body height.
5.54㎝ during the age 11-12 for Seoul girls, 6.63㎝ during the age 10-11 for Japan urban area girls.
The indicates that Japan urban area girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than Seoul girls of the Body height.
2. Body Weight: 5.68㎏ during the age 12-13 for Seoul boys, 5.69㎏ during the age 12-13 for Japan urban area boys.
One the average Seoul boys were found to enter a rapidly growing stage same the Japan urban area boys.
4.47㎏ during the age 11-12 for Seoul girls, 5.41㎏ during the age 11-12 for Japan urban area girls.
On the average Seoul girls were found to enter a rapidly growing stage same to Japan urban area girls.
3. Chest - Girth: 3.73㎝ during the age 13-14 for Seoul boys, 3.99㎝ during the age 13-14 for Japan urban area boys.
The indicates that Japan urban area boys enter a rapidly growing stage same the Seoul boys of the chest-girth.
7.67㎝ during the age 12-13 for Seoul girls 4.46㎝ during the age 11-12 for Japan urban area girls.
The indicates that Japan urban area girls were found to enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than the Seoul girls.
4. Sitting Height: 4.10㎝ during the age 13-14 for Seoul boys, 3.71㎝ during the age 12-13 for Japan urban area boys.
The indicates that Japan urban area boys enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than Seoul girls of the Sitting Height.
B. Body Fat weight counting.
1. Body Surface area: Rapid growth of the Body Surface area was shown in both sex.
The maximum annual growth rates of Body surface area were 0.13m² from 12 to 13 years of age in Seoul boys, and 11 to 12 years of age in gihls.
This indicates that Seoul girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than boys of the Body surface area.
The maximum annual growth rates of Body surface area wre 0.12m² from 12 to 13 years of age in Japan urban area boys and 11 to 12 years of age in girls.
This indicates that girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than boys of the Body surface area.
2. Body Volume: Repid growth of the Body volume was shown in both sex during the period 10-14 years of age.
The crossing point of boy and girls appeared at 13 to 14 years of age in Seoul and from 13 to 14 in Japan urban area.
The maximum annual growth rater of Body volume were 5.6ℓ from 12 to 13 years of age in Seoul boys and 4.40ℓ from 11 to 12 years of age in Seoul girls.
This indicates that Seoul girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than boys of the Body volume.
5.26ℓ from 12 to 13 years of age in Japan urban area boys and 11 to 12 years of age in girls.
This indicates that girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than boys of the Body volume.
3. In general, Seoul and Japan urban area boys showed a tendency increased with age, and the Body Density of male was greater than that of female.
4. $ Fat: The maximum annual growth rates of Body % Fat were 3.70% from 13-14 years of age in Seoul boys and 11-12 years (2.64%) of age in Japan urban area boys.
This indicates that Japan urban area boys enter a rapidly growing stage two years earlier than Seoul boys of the Body Fat weight.
The maximum annual growth rates of Body Fat weight were 1.2㎏ from 12-13 years of age in Seoul girls and 11-12 (1.43㎏) years of age in Japan urban area girls.
This indicates that Japan urban area girls enter a rapidly growing stage one year earlier than Seoul girls of the Body Fat weight.
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